View Full Version : IDN Sales Report
- mãe .com portuguese sold
- for sale
- is for sale
- Flowers (Chinese) $605 at dropcatch
- Portuguese idn sold $3,500
- 咖啡.com $7000 USD
- 埼玉.com $1,
- Mö (IDN) €15,000 = $18,150
- 白ごはん.com (IDN) ("white rice" in Japanese) €22,000 = $26,620
- Georgian Bank idn's in georgian lenguage and others
- ᴀɪ.com Sold at dynadot for 1050$
- Bü German IDN Sold 6050 US$
- 义乌.com sold @dropcatch 615 $
- 航空.com Sold 2050$ snapnames
- 假期.com sold 2550$ dynadot
- 布局.com sold 2380$ @Sedo
- 内部監査.com sold for $3,288
- sold 3150$ dropcatch / four names sold
- リゾートバイト.com Japanese idn sold 20,000$ at godaddy
- 4 new sales at namebio sales report
- low xxx$
- 比特币.org sold low xxx$
- cuvé sold this week @sedo for 3240$
- New idn Sale at sedo for 2700$ but this time dot co
- Some sales from past 1 week
- 부산.com sold for $1,350 on 2019-07-21 at DropCatch
- 内网.com sold 5000$
- 地板.com (Floor) sold for $1,379 at DropCatch
- 摄影.com sold $2,050 at snapnames
- Forbrukslå sold for $123,000
- 旅遊.com (IDN, "travel" in Chinese) $25,000 Sedo
- 株式会社 3,558 US$
- Ü.com
- 尼康.世界 $6800
- 金沙.com $45,000.
- A rare bird indeed
- 免税店.com Seller here $30K plus
- TLD drops 2015
- The Top 10 list of highest IDN New gTLDs
- Kö sells for $14,375
- is on bidding which starting from 1rmb
- end bidding of 3100rmb
- 投资.公司
- 台北.com Versatile domain
- Education dot China
- 情趣内衣.com ( $1,000
- Beauté.fr
- 芸能.com - entertainment - 9k on Snapnames
- lå ?
- 打折.com ( 1,800
- A couple of IDNs sold
- Who's up for a deal?
- IDN's on dnjournal
- Idn .tv and .co sales reports ?
- 動画.com sold for 35k
- .Eu idn Casinò.eu sold for $12,300 sales report from dnjournal
- 医師.com sold for US$5,500
- Living from IDN sales
- Flü sold for US$4,833
- ré sells for $5,500 at Sedo
- Taiwan City 新竹.com ( $1,500
- 貓.com expired auction $1,401
- Imó sold 35,000
- dnj IDN Sales some in the xx,xxx
- 灯具.com sold $855 @
- German IDN
- 红酒.com sold for $11,000 at Snapnames
- Gartenmö
- 茶叶.cn - - $30,023 RMB
- Berufsunfä €2,300 = $3,151 Sedo
- حجوزات.com Sells for $3,000 at
- Чемпионат.com $4,500
- カラオケ.com Auction sold USD $2,519 at snapnames.
- ゲーム.net Auction sold USD $2,350 at snapnames.
- §.com IDN resold for EURO 6.050,00
- Nice buy Anjan
- DNJournal- Sedo took the next spot with an IDN- Berufsunfä
- العربية.com (Arabic) $7000
- Register Legal Question
- pizza -glasses
- Hä €19,472 = $26,287 Sedo
- $86.00 for an
- IDN Auction reports
- Movies Japanese
- 日本.com Reported Sold at $100,000
- dnjournal idn sale
- SEDO's yesterday
- рф.com sold for $60k
- DNJournal Sales Report: Kopfhö $8,255; разум.com $2,500
- IDN sales @ DomainerIncome
- А.com cyrillic, sold for 4505$
- [alpha].com - Greek - $3200
- [sex].net - Hebrew - $1000
- [tablet pc].com, Chinese simplified, $3699
- королев.com - Sedo - 4000$
- [mobile].com, Thai, snapnames, $3160
- 人妻.com auction sold USD$3188 at snapnames
- เกมส์.net (IDN, "games" in Thai) DnJournal Mar. 17
- SEX.TV current bid $499.99
- DNJournal - Feb 24 - Chuck full of IDNs
- 妊娠.com Auction sold USD $1159 at
- 新疆.net sold $426 at
- DNJ - Feb. 03 2010 -Dé sells for $7,700
- もしもし . com & 英文 . jp
- Sü $14,355 sold at Sedo + 2 more listed at DNJournal
- sold mö
- For the 2nd Week in a Row a Record IDN Sale is Reported and It Leads New DNJ Chart
- .EU Sales
- chinese,japanese:整形美容.com,sold $3,304
- Büromö scores with $101,657 IDN Sale :)
- IDN at SEDO - 24,900 EURO and still going...
- bulk arabic idn private sale : 2650$
- 图库.cn gallery sold $1400
- 房屋出租.cn sold $1100
- 名古屋.NET sold $691 at
- and Auction end at Snap
- Ꮋ.com ( ) for US $405.00
- IDN dot net sale Koç.net
- Thai end user sale
- ä ("Ethiopia" German IDN) sold for $20,135
- 長野.com, Fü sold last week
- IDN Sales record- Москва.com sells for $216,000
- 香港域名注册.com sold for US$1,288
- 축구.com Korean sells for $8100
- Auction for olivenö closed today at EUR 2.250
- 一樓一.com sold for US$1,200
- German IDN and Ascii sell for 135k (.de)
- A Japanese dot TV IDN - sold for $9,500
- 功夫.com
- Lå (Loans in Danish/Swedish) sold on Sedo for $500
- 彩票.cn(Lottery) sold $3984
- Bunch of IDNs sold on Afternic for $875 each
- 女奴.com sold for US$2,500
- 免费.cn ( auction sold RMB$2279=USD$351
- przenoś (conveyors)
- 宠物.cn(pet) (3752$)
- aé sold
- Almost all my French portfolio sold for...
- 法律咨询.cn(Legal advice) 1648$
- 礼物.CN(Present) $1564
- 整形.CN(plastic) $1590
- compañí
- 株マップ.com - US$8,000 Sold
- 卫浴.cn(bathroom vanities) $3126
- 网.CN(net/network) $7034
- 足球.cn $4415
- 财富.cn(Wealth) $4430
- 沙发.com (Sofa) - US$9,000 Sold!
- Buyers Beware:
- 法律.com sells for $9,638 at SnapNames...
- حافظ.com
- şarkı.com: $825 on Snapnames
- السيارات.net sells for $325 on Snapnames
- Skrø Sells for $3.9 million, biggest ever reported IDN sale!
- t´aint much, but its better than nuthin
- 人民币.com (RMB.COM) $1,550 at
- leilõ = sold
- and sale
- Stä & Lä
- is selling for 2000$
- 大阪.ws Osaka
- IDNs on DNJ
- 丽江.com auction $1,015 at
- juegoseró sold $380 at Snap
- premiun is on auction 20hs
- Singlebö (IDN) sells for $15,569
- IDN sales at German SEDO event
- Snap Arabic Auction Sales Report $$
- الرياضي.com auction bid $600 at snap
- tauschbö Sold on Sedo
- バス.com auction $683 at snap.
- - - ამინდი.com - georgian - $350
- 4 IDN sales recorded by DNJournal
- 股指期货.com -$2,549 at Snapnames
- 援交.com auction $2049 at
- IDNForum Korean name sold for 2K
- Another Korean IDN - 뮤직.com sells for $3,700
- Korean IDN grabs the top slot in at Snapnames
- A fierce battle is raging on snapnames for 2 Korean IDNs
- new big IDN sale, in Russian 16.000$
- Spanish IDN librerí Sold!!!
- Turkish [gold] sold, what about [silver] ?
- 台北.com Sold!!!
- Sales listings at DNJournal
- हिन्दी.com
- 能源.com ( SOLD for $3999 on Snap
- 昆山.com Kunshan (Chinese County-level City) $2,374 snapnames
- 昆山.com xn--rhtv6t Kunshan 2,374 snapnames
- Five IDN sales at DNJ this week!
- the best chinese idn : 網頁.中國( ≥ $30,000
- 可乐.com ( $2703 on Snap
- DNjournal IDNs Listed
- Snap Chinese Lottery Auction Results
- Bü German IDN sells for xx,xxx
- - 20MM euros
- BilligFlü 1,500 Euro
- In a private sale, an IDN, 域名停放.com ("domain name parking" in Chinese) changed hands
- Tü* $6,600 on Afternic
- 澳門.tw
- SOLD: $ 10,750 公司.com
- 16 Bidder Slugfest at Snapnames
- We all know it happened here but...
- 鞋.com -
- Multiple Arabic sales
- Chinese IDN breaks record?? 央视一套.NET fetches US$100 000
- Russian dot coms sold at IDNFs
- Snapnames Russian китай.com sells $436
- Nï.com ( 3000$
- This weeks DNJournal
- コンドミニアム.com "Condominium"
- Nagasaki Prefectures sells for $2300
- "上海房产.com" $2000 OK
- $1400 for караоке.com
- má for USD 3,500.
- (Simplified Chinese) Private Buy
- 髪.com Hair sold $6,000US
- "水表.com" succeed of sell to Drewbert
- Another french IDN sold
- IDN sale (アニメ.tv - ANIME.TV)
- For those who haven't seen it yet
- Not an IDN but definitely a good sign
- Ernä Sedo
- weird...
- ..and don't forget Geschirrspü
- IDN sells for $60,168
- 2 domain sales - valuations?
- baterí on Sedo
- New Sales Report 東京.net March 7th.
- 東京.net Sells for $10k
- www.sé an Algerian City via SEDO
- kö.net Swedish Sedo
- Fitnessgeräte Today at Sedo.
- 2 IDNs reported sold in
- Blockhä Imobiliá Dnjournal
- IDN sells for $3,827.77 EBAY
- (огурчик.com) "cucumber"
- Rack up another! flohmä
- German IDN domain, ü ("translator" in German) at €19,500 ($23,672)
- Xn--Ø ص.com Second post.
- ص.com Sold on Afternic.
- Gü sells at Sedo.
- Sü "South Tyrol" in German sells at €8,750 =$10,308
- German IDN domain, Holzhä sold at €1,500 = $1,768
- Family Doctor (in German) sells for $27,446- Dec. 2005
- goes for $35k
- French and Arabic IDNs
- French IDN sells for $17,669.00
- some acronyms/single characters
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