- Dead links and logo
- Where did the Crypto threads get moved to?
- IDN installment / As Domains installment / Great Suggestion
- Receive Email Notification of New Private Messages
- Hey guys - one suggestion
- No new members -verification email not working
- Can't post reply
- Forgot Password Not Working
- My IDNF layout is in Chinese
- "Buyer pays any paypal fees."
- Online Users
- Trading subforum
- Rep Power
- Search doesn't work
- IDN Forum & the iPhone
- Avatar Size
- adult section
- Approx + style doesn't allow pasting into the post title field
- Howto become Premium Member
- Is this ok to do?
- VBay
- Thread Edit Feature Gone
- "Reserve Price" needs clarification
- Recommendations required for Hosting site
- Leaving itrader
- BB Code
- Insurance site development
- 'Quick Reply' button not working
- link redirects not working here anymore
- I love IDNforums and...
- adding an auction script to the site
- Anyone else not getting email thread reply notifications?
- Scifi AKA goidn AKA bruins
- Do You need "Qote selected' & 'Paste nick in reply'?
- Has nayone WhiteScreen error?
- Rubber Duck 9,000 POSTS!
- Have you been deleting a lot of threads lately Olney?
- Multi Quote Option.
- Is it me only?
- Find all posts by this user -> limited to 500
- Extra Large Signatures
- What happened to the "quick links" dropdown
- Recent Threads
- Bot prevention
- Idnforum.com parked
- Call for a Ban for SciFi
- automerged doublepost
- Should bots be allowed to post?
- Anonymous Bidding
- Call for a Ban for Dabsi
- Redirect script does not work with Unicode URLs
- Regional Specific Discussion
- Split the sales forums? (Part II)
- Moderators?
- How about changing to a better VB style?
- Split the sales forums?
- Mouse Droppings
- Can't edit past sales threads.
- The time for Moderators is now
- Planning to extend members only section
- IDNForum RSS Feed
- What to do about Javago?
- Increase in PM quota?
- Sale/appraisal system - options?
- Bartering Domains
- Local Language Interfaces
- Local Language subforums
- Enable IDN keywords search?
- move CSS code out to seperate file
- IDN.net
- How about a chat
- Consultation on Improving the IDNer's Experience at DNF
- Admin: how about some stats on new members
- How about an OT forum?
- Is there an advertisement board here ?
- Link to idnforums.com at domainingblog.com
- Does IDNforums need more horsepower?
- Suggestion to protect buyers
- Default to last page
- IDN Rating System
- Can't view msgs with SLASH in title.
- Members should participate in forums in order to be allowed access to apprasial forum
- Close more threads to guests?
- Can you increase the cookie timeout value?
- Area specific forums - Spanish, French, Portuguese
- Website forum.
- Problem with backslashes and the SEO module
- Bumping of Sales Threads
- IDN sales
- [ IDNforums.com ] is mentioned by DNjournal.com
- Spread FireFox!
- Dingbat Section Needed - ★.com, ☆.com, etc.
- Humor forum
- Outbox
- Proposal for some forum rules:
- Would it be possible to add a Chat function?
- Romance language IDNs
- Indian IDN Discussion Forum
- Email Notificiation
- Dedicated IE7 messageboard?
- "European" or "Other" IDN discussion Forum.
- IDN Whois
- Domain Name Glossary
- Suggestion for forum for non-IDN domains