- Indian Registry: 65 domains and subdomains
- Indian Government Hindi Email Initiative
- .bharat is launched in Devanagari
- idn.bz appraisal, is it any good?
- what will happen to .com after transliteration will be released
- test - problem with post
- .संगठन is .in godaddy idn watch list but not .कॉम, why?
- Strange GAKT for यहूदी
- premium Hindi IDN at 100 USD each
- बुर.com [c*nt]
- प्रबंधन.com [Management] - caught after drop
- Premium Hindi IDN at 19$ each.
- value of सेक्स.com [sex.com transliteration]
- Anyone know what this is?
- Anybody? Somebody? For domains! lol
- First Hindi IDN based website (blog)
- For people who says Hindi is language of illiterate people
- Story of Acquisition of गाना.com song: Deal was done on Google Chat
- First five figure reported sales of HINDI IDN.com
- Why is this section so "Not-Active" ?
- Good news for Hindi
- Getting Type-in's?- Jacket.com (-in Indian) is...
- What all is required for IDN selling?
- Please Comment on These IDNs
- Sri Lanka IDN ccTLD's are live
- Google's view of the importance of English in India
- .in registry creates test IDN names in Hindi and English
- Its high time you should develop your Hindi IDN
- Pujnabi IDN domain.com 3300 searches worth to register?
- Any domainers want to link to me?
- alcohol in hindi toss
- The-money-is-in-Indian-languages
- Transliterations
- Hindi Domains For Sale
- .in domains may be interesting
- Country for Sale- पोलैंड.com
- IDN Sale (Over $2000)
- Top Gear magazine in Hindi?
- लिंग.net
- इंडियन.com - Any native speakers in here ?
- सेक्स.com - sex.com in Hindi getting more than 65 unique
- Microsoft Launches Windows 7 in Hindi
- Indian Domains - English or Other Languages?
- Number of Local Language Sites in India stands at a Pathetic 1249!
- What are the cheap and best domain name registration sites.?
- The reason why [Do not buy any Indian IDN's]
- Indian Domain Names Forum- www.inforum.in
- বাংলা .idn Get your Bengali fonts here!
- india(tamil).com
- Chinese, Arabic and Hindi domain names to go up for sale – finally!
- प्रौद्योगिकी.com (Technology)
- Hindi help
- Is it worth 13 dollars ?
- Domain names in Indian languages soon
- .IN or .CO.IN ?
- Reference: Language map of India
- Google Maps in Hindi!
- sale --> xn--c2b8b6ab.tv (टीवी.tv) ___TV.TV
- Most conclusive evidence to date about language preference in India!!
- single letters
- शान्ति - translation help!!!!!
- .in Domain Names top 200,000 reg's
- Asian Traffic on Hindi Domains and Yes a Click!
- i received my 1st $xxx up offer.what is a nice offer to accept?
- Indic Programming System -Hindawi
- Internet waits for vernacular pilot in India
- My first Hindi Regges
- Indic IME (Firefox 1.5 edition)
- IDN.in
- TOSS HINDI Domains
- Gujarati and Punjabi Indexed by Google
- HELL NO for Indian IDNs
- Traffic Surge in Lao!
- Traffic Surge on Hindi
- Internet Users in India
- Translation Help
- plz confirm if it is चीन.net china.net hindi
- how can i start a simple forex site with live rates for डॉलर.com
- Typing in local script
- India Language Domains
- Google on India!
- Motorola to make mobiles rural-friendly
- Asked a friend working in Microsoft India
- Internet in Sri Lanka
- Tremendous growth in the Internet in India
- First Hindi PPC clicks.
- Taking IT to the grassroots
- Local Trend Peek
- Vernacular trend
- खबरें.com
- MSN in हिन्दी (Hindi ) and தமிழ் (tamil)
- Google Search Problem
- Devanagari Encoding Mystery
- What Indians search for?
- Dot IN Sales at DNF
- Check out Urdu using US Overture
- Verification of Keyword
- Another Hindi search engine in the offing
- Sexy Hindi
- Indian Portals turning language savvy!
- R World goes Hindi
- Indian shares power past 11,000
- Indian internet market activity
- Urdu to be National language for Pakistan.
- India on the Breadline?
- IDN Indian Names