View Full Version : Japanese Domains in IE7 (katakana "ー" problem)

19th February 2006, 01:08 AM
When entering a Japanese IDN in IE7, a button to the right of the URL, when clicked, displays a window (International Website Address) and shows "character sets currently in use."

When using a single-Kanji dot-com, it shows languages: Hani and Latn.

When using a Katakana web address, it shows: Kana and Latn.

However, when using a Katakana web address with the "dash" character (ー), the browser displays a message (under the URL): "The web address contains letters or symbols that cannot be displayed with the current language settings." The URL is also displayed in Punycode and it indicates the languages being used are: Zyyy, Kana and Latn.

So, does anyone know what "Zyyy" is? And is there a language to add (under
"Language Preference Settings") to include the "dash" (ー) character in katakana domains so that IE7 displays the IDN instead of punycode?

Or is there another solution to this problem?

I found some related info on the Microsoft site...


Seems "Zyyy" refers to "common characters," although I haven't been able to figure out if IE7 can be configured to include the ー character in the URL, instead of showing the punycode version.