View Full Version : 大阪弁

24th February 2006, 09:16 PM
Here is a freebie one word domain that I don't need- 大阪弁.com "Osaka dialect" ovt 13,445 is available. It's slightly less popular cousin 関西弁.com "Kansai dialect" ovt 11,564 has been taken by someone. It isn't directly commercial but very brandable. This is a common-use term for the dialect of people from Osaka and could become a good general reference site or entertainment site by someone with ability or interest to make content such as a dictionary website.

Anyway, I can attest Osaka/Kansai folks are very proud of the peculiarities of the way they speak.

標準語.com "standard language" ovt 1962 is also available were someone interested in core words in this vein.