View Full Version : Latest French Regs.

25th February 2006, 02:34 AM
Here are a few of my latest french domains. Feel free to comment on any likes or dislikes. Some phrases are more popular in Canada then France.

aàz.com (A to Z)

jeuxàtélécharger.com (game download)
téléchargersonnerie.com (download ringtones)

zèbres.com (zebras)



goéland.com (seagulls)

lesmétiers.com (trades)

néerlandais.com (Dutch)

athéisme.com (atheism)

(Words for funny)

extrêmes.com (Extremes - Used for sports and sex)


étangs.com (Ponds)

(Money words)
prêtauto.com (Auto Loan)
demandedeprêt.com (Loan Application)
cartedecrédit.net (Credit Card)
réservedargent.com (Savings Bank)
sociétécrédit.com (Credit Company)

lesbébés.com (Babies)

vêtementbébé.com (baby clothes)
vêtementenfant.com (baby clothes)
vêtementhomme.com (men's clothes)

(Sex words)

sérieux.com (Serious)

chaletàlouer.com (Cabins for rent)
logementàlouer.com (Place for rent)
appartementsàlouer.com (apartements for rent)
châteauxàlouer.com (castles to rent)

vidéosàlademande.com (video on demand)

qu’.com (that)

modèlesdelettres.com (Letter model or kind of a guide to letter writing)

écarté.com (game that origninated in france similar to "eurchre")

développementphotos.com (photos development)

25th February 2006, 03:46 PM
Very nice! They make me think you're from France. Congradulations!

25th February 2006, 03:57 PM
Very nice! They make me think you're from France. Congradulations!

Nope far from it.

The middle of America in a cow-town that thinks it's a city.

I became interested in all things international when I made friends in highschool with a person from Albania. Thus started a long string of girlfriends, aquaintences, and traveling from many other countries and cultures, finally progressing in languages and domains. :)

25th February 2006, 04:25 PM
Nope far from it.

The middle of America in a cow-town that thinks it's a city.

I became interested in all things international when I made friends in highschool with a person from Albania. Thus started a long string of girlfriends, aquaintences, and traveling from many other countries and cultures, finally progressing in languages and domains. :)

That's how a millionaire is made! :-)

I learned some French while I was at school, but I'm not really good in it, I don't use French everyday.

25th February 2006, 04:41 PM
That's how a millionaire is made! :-)

I learned some French while I was at school, but I'm not really good in it, I don't use French everyday.

Thanks, I hope so.

Your from CA right? My brother and I just took a road trip up there last year. We decieded on a Friday night to pull an all-nighter and plow through the states up to Canada, going like 120 miles an hour the entire way. We pulled in to Canada at about five in the moring and they almost didn't let us in. The Windsor customs weren't very nice, they were like you need a passport to get in, we looked at each other like, "It's FRIGGIN' Canada man!" Finally they let us in. It was a fun trip although very taxing. :)

The worst part was I drove most of the way up there while my brother slept. I had four cans of redbull in me and I took a "shortcut." It was somewhere in the back woods of ohio and we where completely off course. We were driving through towns that reminded me of the movie "nothing but trouble" I was so tired and so amped at the same time that I was starting to get those streamers from the corners of my eyes, to make it worse it was foggy and misting. I kept saying over and over to myself, "Oh please god, don't let the car break down, I don't want to get raped." My brother never was the wiser.

25th February 2006, 04:53 PM
>"It's FRIGGIN' Canada man!"

Heh heh.

25th February 2006, 05:06 PM
>"It's FRIGGIN' Canada man!"

Heh heh.

Yeah, they made us pull over and get out of the car. They took a bomb-sniffing dog around the car. I just keep thinking, "Do we look like a terrorist? Who the hell wants to bomb Canada anyways?"

They didn't like us joking around I guess. :)

25th February 2006, 05:11 PM
Yeah, they made us pull over and get out of the car. They took a bomb-sniffing dog around the car. I just keep thinking, "Do we look like a terrorist? Who the hell wants to bomb Canada anyways?"

They didn't like us joking around I guess. :)

When i went to LA with my mom in the late 1980s, they had dogs running all over the arrival immigration, sniffing at bags while we queued - apparently looking for drugs. I've been to at least another 10 countries and never had this kind of experience.

25th February 2006, 05:17 PM
When i went to LA with my mom in the late 1980s, they had dogs running all over the arrival immigration, sniffing at bags while we queued - apparently looking for drugs. I've been to at least another 10 countries and never had this kind of experience.

Yeah, I ran into that when I came back from Mexico the last time in Tijuana. I was sweating because I was smuggling in a box of cuban cigars (illegal) in my pants and my girlfriend at the time was from the Czech republic with her brother that didn't speak any english. The funny thing was they swarmed in on an 80 year old man that was bringing fruit in allowing us (along with tens of illegal immigrants) to walk freely through the border. This was after 9/11.

25th February 2006, 05:54 PM
The dogs at Clifornia customs are produce sniffing dogs. Back in the 80s it was the medfly they mostly cared about. In 83 I was taken in a small room in LAX and was checked "thoroughly" because I forgot to declare an apple that was given to me by a girl on a train to Amsterdam.

Of course, having told customs that I was flying in from Amsterdam didn't help my situation either.

25th February 2006, 06:24 PM
Thanks, I hope so.

Your from CA right?

No, I'm from FRIGGIN Canada :-).