View Full Version : Lists are a waste of money!

11th August 2007, 12:24 PM
All reg'd in the last 90 days. This is just the A-B-C's off a LIST I purchased from another member here in May.
The best stuff was further down the list...like electronics.jp but you get the idea.
Only a few made the 100k ovt...not as good as what was out there in 2005/ early 2006 but OK generics IMO.
My overall cost based on my regs was $ 1.50 per name to find these and others. Should I ask for my money back?

abortion.jp 妊娠中絶.jp
accordion jp アコーディオン.jp
acting.jp 演技.jp
addition.jp (building) 増築.jp
adultmanja.jp 成年コミック.jp
airforce jp エアフォース.jp
alarm.jp アラーム.jp
algorithm jp アルゴリズム.jp
alphabet jp アルファベット.jp
aluminum.jp アルミニウム.jp
android.jp 人造人間.jp
antique.jp アンティック.jp
apartment building.jp 集合住宅.jp
arcadegame.jp アーケードゲーム.jp
aspirin.jp アスピリン.jp
awning オーニング.jp
ballerina.jp バレリーナ.jp
bat.jp バット.jp
bathtub jp バスタブ.jp
battleship.jp 戦艦.jp
billboard.jp ビルボード.jp
biodiesel jp バイオディーゼル.jp
biorhythm jp バイオリズム.jp
bird watching jp バードウォッチング.jp
blacklist jp ブラックリスト.jp
bluefilm.jp ポルノ映画.jp
board jp ボード.jp
body building jp ボディビル.jp
boomarang.jp ブーメラン.jp
boss jp ボス.jp
brain scan.jp (ekg) 脳波.jp
brain.jp ブレーン.jp
brakes.jp ブレーキ.jp
bridge.jp ブリッジ.jp
brilliant jp ブリリアント.jp
bronchitis.jp 気管支炎.jp
bubbles jp バブル.jp
builder jp ビルダー.jp
bungalow.jp 平屋.jp
business class.jp ビジネスクラス.jp
call.jp コール.jp
calligraphy jp カリグラフィー.jp
campus jp キャンパス.jp
candy jp キャンディー.jp
car 4 wheel drive.jp 四輪駆動車.jp
car show.jp モーターショー.jp
carat jp カラット.jp
carpenter,jp 木工芸.jp
cartel jp カルテル.jp
cartridge.jp カートリッジ.jp
cash back jp キャッシュバック.jp
cement.jp セメント.jp
cesarian.jp 帝王切開.jp
chaos jp カオス.jp
chatroom.jp チャットルーム.jp
checkin.jp チェックイン.jp
cheerleading. jp チア.jp
chemical.jp ケミカル.jp
chief.jp チーフ.jp
church.jp チャーチ.jp
circuit jp サーキット.jp
citrine.jp シトリン.jp
climbing jp クライミング.jp
coconut.jp ココナッツ.jp
college of music.jp 音楽大学.jp
combine.jp (machine) コンバイン.jp
compact camera.jp コンパクトカメラ.jp
compact car jp コンパクトカー.jp
company badge.jp 社章.jp
compass.jp コンパス.jp
compressor コンプレッサー.jp
conference jp カンファレンス.jp
contest.jp コンクール.jp
convention.jp コンベンション.jp
cook.jp クック.jp
copyright.jp コピーライト.jp
cross country skiing.jp クロカン.jp

The "S" list was decent generics as well...

sampling.jp サンプリング.jp
satellite photograph.jp 衛星写真.jp
scalp.jp 頭皮.jp
score.jp スコア.jp
screen printing.jp スクリーン印刷.jp
screen shot.jp スクリーンショット.jp
sedan.jp セダン.jp
shark.jp サメ.jp
shaving.jp シェービング.jp
shells.jp シェル.jp
shoot.jp (guns, photos) シュート.jp
shopping bag.jp ショッピングバッグ.jp
showcase.jp ショーケース.jp
sink.jp 洗面台.jp
sleeping bag.jp 寝袋.jp
slogan.jp スローガン.jp
snake.jp ヘビ.jp
snow.jp スノー.jp
solar energy.jp 太陽エネルギー.jp
soundtrack.jp サントラ.jp
special effects.jp エフェクター.jp
spider.jp スパイダー.jp
sports event.jp スポーツイベント.jp
sports medicine.jp スポーツ医学.jp
spotlight.jp スポットライト.jp
spray gun.jp スプレーガン.jp
sprinkler.jp スプリンクラー.jp
spy.jp スパイ.jp
stadium.jp スタジアム.jp
stage.jp ステージ.jp
stapler.jp ホッチキス.jp
station wagon.jp ステーションワゴン.jp
stole.jp (womans clothing) ストール.jp
stool.jp スツール.jp
strip mahjong.jp 脱衣麻雀.jp
stripper.jp ストリッパー.jp
success.jp サクセス.jp
suite.jp スイート.jp
super computer.jp スーパーコンピュータ.jp
supporter.jp (brace) サポーター.jp

11th August 2007, 12:36 PM
I say you did ok. ;)

11th August 2007, 12:41 PM
I say you did ok. ;)
I was kidding with that. I have had offers on 3 of the .jp names in the last week from Japanese endusers.
This one was among my favorite from the group. キャンディー


Rubber Duck
11th August 2007, 12:53 PM
Way to go! These seem to be higher grade than the dot Com lists that are around.

If end users are coming on thick and fast on newly registered name, that is an indications that things are starting to hot up!

I was kidding with that. I have had offers on 3 of the .jp names in the last week from Japanese endusers.

This one was among my favorite from the group. キャンディー


11th August 2007, 01:04 PM
Indeed some pretty nice names on that list.

Here's what I registered (all .com) off the list I was trying to sell the last few days but gave up on a couple of hours or so ago (http://www.idnforums.com/forums/12528-anyone-up-for-a-gamble.html). Not as good as your selection, but they are .coms!

アスレチック - athletics
アレルギー科 - allergies
イカ焼き - grilled squid
インソール - insole
ウエイト - weights (as in weightlifting)
オールディーズ - oldies
オリジナルプリント - original print
カウベル - cowbell
キャッチャーミット - catcher's mitt
キリスト教会 - Christ church
グアバ - guava
ケーブルインターネット - cable internet
ケーブルカー - cable car
ゲーム音楽 - game music
ゴーヤチャンプル - goya chample (no English equivalent) v. popular Okinawan dish
ゴーヤチャンプルー - alternative spelling of above
コーン - corn
コンガ - conga
コントラバス - contrabass
コンニャク - konnyaku (jelly-like food; v. popular)
しじみ - shijimi clam
シャンピニオン - champignon (i.e. mushroom)
シンバル - cymbal
スタイリング - styling
ストロー - straw (as in "hay" or as in "drinking")
スネア - snare [drum]
スピードチェック - speed check (test your connection speed)
スリーパー - slippers
セピア - sepia
タンバリン - tambourine
ティーンズ - teens
データエントリー - data entry
データ消去 - data erasure (as in "secure destruction of data")
デコレーション - decoration
テルミン - theremin
トイレタリー - toiletries
ドライアイス - dry ice
トレーニングジム - training gym
バスマット - bath mat
パターゴルフ場 - golf putting range
はんこ屋 - hanko shop
ハンドタオル - hand towel
ビール酵母 - beer yeast
ピッコロ - piccolo
ピッツェリア - pizzeria
ファッションリフォーム - fashion reform (i.e. altering clothes)
ファンサイト - fansite
フィールドアスレチック - field athletics
プールバー - pool bar
フォーマルウェア - formalwear
フラフープ - hula hoop
ベーカリーカフェ - bakery cafe
ベビー家具 - baby furniture
ヘルスメーター - health meter (sophisticated kind of weighing scales)
ホームページ検索方法 - SEO term
マーチング - marching
モノクロ - monochrome i.e. black and white
もやし - beansprouts
ラタン - rattan
リストランテ - ristorante (used in the name of many Italian restaurants)
リフレッシュ - refresh (covers refreshing/relaxing products)
りんご酢 - apple vinegar
レーシングカー - racing car
ロープウェー - ropeway
ワークステーション - workstation
中古自転車 - used bicycle
出張宿泊 - business trip accommodation
外壁塗装 - exterior wall coating
普段着 - casualwear
未確認生物 - unidentified mysterious animal (U.M.A.)
梅酢 - plum vinegar
検索ワード - search keywords
海浜公園 - seaside park
牛たん - beef tongue
肉じゃが - "niku jaga" popular beef/potato dish
詰め合わせ - assorted goods
賃貸倉庫 - leased storehouse
賃貸店舗 - leased shop
路線バス - scheduled bus

Moral of the story: not all lists are necessarily junk...

11th August 2007, 01:05 PM
I was kidding with that. I have had offers on 3 of the .jp names in the last week from Japanese endusers.
This one was among my favorite from the group. キャンディー


I know you were. Hence the ;)

11th August 2007, 01:12 PM
Indeed some pretty nice names on that list.
Moral of the story: not all lists are necessarily junk...

Thanks for your comment, but that was my point for posting up some names.
For some reason many think lists are just "dictionaries" being sold.
Stuff like biodiesel.com or 4wheeldrive.com just isn't on those lists.

BTW, I just noticed who had registered the .com of キャンディー ;)

Speaking of lists and translations, candy.com is a good example to take:
Check almost all of the major online dictionaries- babelfish, systranet.com etc and the translation is: キャンデー (433,000 google)
But on one of the lists I got "candy" was キャンディー which gives 4,750,000 google.

11th August 2007, 01:26 PM
BTW, I just noticed who had registered the .com of キャンディー

Perhaps that's what I should be auctioning off... the "available .jp" list that matches my registered .com list...

Rubber Duck
11th August 2007, 01:30 PM
In one sense you are right. If these were English Domains with equivalent keywords the market would be climbing all over you. Perhaps somewhat irrationally.

The bottom line is the aftermarket in this grade of domain at present is none existent. Nobody is interested.

I find it absolutely astounding at this stage of the game that this is the case, but that is where we are up to. I am constantly astounded by the quality of names that the high profile domainers are bidding up at Snapnames, when good IDN are going begging. It would seem that few are willing to go outside their comfort zone, even though that kind of risk taking is what made them rich in the first place.

Frankly, you could have done better picking up the odd bargain on here yourself rather than registering from that list. There have been some really decent domains going begging here over the last few weeks and months.

Basically, if it is not making headline news people will not follow. Your average domainer is not a pathfinder, he is a Lemming. Many will only attempt to buy the kind of the thing that is already selling. Most of them have short-term horizons and invariably end up buying total junk that does not meet their aspirations.

There is also a presumption that you must get better value fresh regging. There are Greenhorns coming on here now regging into 4 figures in a week and half rather than pay more than reg fee for some half decent names that are being flipped. I cringe, others simply mock them on Skype, but that is the way things go.

I have come to the conclusion that attempting to educate the market is almost a complete waste of time and resources. All you can do is watch and wait, and perhaps hope.

We need browser support, and we certainly need the kind of publicity that will accompany ICANN's belated meddlings. Most of all we need adoption by major companies and the associated offline advertising. All these things will happen. It is just a matter of how much more pain has to be endured.

Indeed some pretty nice names on that list.

Here's what I registered (all .com) off the list I was trying to sell the last few days but gave up on a couple of hours or so ago (http://www.idnforums.com/forums/12528-anyone-up-for-a-gamble.html). Not as good as your selection, but they are .coms!


Moral of the story: not all lists are necessarily junk...

11th August 2007, 01:39 PM
Frankly, you could have done better picking up the odd bargain on here yourself rather than registering from that list. There have been some really decent domains going begging here over the last few weeks and months.

Not when you factor in my time (I'd have to be constantly monitoring and leaping in and of sales threads all day, every day, to grab the best bargains) but if time isn't an issue you're probably right.

11th August 2007, 01:44 PM
Perhaps that's what I should be auctioning off... the "available .jp" list that matches my registered .com list...

Frankly, I tried to sell my .jp list to a few here but no one was interested.

Rubber Duck
11th August 2007, 01:45 PM
Perhaps that's what I should be auctioning off... the "available .jp" list that matches my registered .com list...

I think that might work, but I am guessing it would be more productive to register a few at a time and Auction them off in lots as registered domains.

11th August 2007, 01:47 PM
Frankly, you could have done better picking up the odd bargain on here yourself rather than registering from that list. There have been some really decent domains going begging here over the last few weeks and months.
You are probably right but I was specifically targeting .jp domains to round out my porfolio and not many .jp have been
for sale here. Postings by Rhys, Chinastar, Olney and others about idn.cc future value potential got me diversifying a bit.

Rubber Duck
11th August 2007, 01:50 PM
Dave, you are probably right but I was specifically targeting .jp domains to round out my porfolio and not many .jp have
been for sale here. Postings by Rhys, Chinastar, Olney and others about idn.cc future value potential got me diversifying a bit.

You seem to have made a very sharp move. Kudos!

11th August 2007, 01:53 PM
I think that might work, but I am guessing it would be more productive to register a few at a time and Auction them off in lots as registered domains.

Again, not necessarily if you factor "time" into the equation. In fact, I've already spent far too long hanging around these forums the last couple of days - got masses on my to do list...

Rubber Duck
11th August 2007, 02:00 PM
Again, not necessarily if you factor "time" into the equation. In fact, I've already spent far too long hanging around these forums the last couple of days - got masses on my to do list...

I think that is one of the major factors holding the likes of Frank Schilling at bay. These guys probably don't feel they could justify the time. Of course they are 100% wrong, but how do you prove it to them!

11th August 2007, 03:07 PM
I think that is one of the major factors holding the likes of Frank Schilling at bay. These guys probably don't feel they could justify the time. Of course they are 100% wrong, but how do you prove it to them!

Their time is expensive, too expensive for idns. ;)