View Full Version : how to get traffic stat for my IDNs?

23rd August 2007, 03:31 AM
i wanna park my Chinese IDNs but it seems that the parking sites all require a daily 1000 ips in order to accept a domain to park. but i don't know the traffic stat if the domains are not parked... so is there a way to get traffic stat instead of parking? thanks a lot!

23rd August 2007, 07:03 AM
Parking is just a term. You are still just putting the name on a host. When you park it what you are doing is serving it on the net via the most simple method with a page of links to monetize the traffic.

Until the name is served on the net there is zero traffic except some type in traffic if the name does get type ins. You have to host the name to get in the search engines and then you can get stats via your server.

You can forward the name to somewhere besides a parking program and get stats on some domain accounts. Domainsite offers forwarding stats.

23rd August 2007, 07:34 AM
Until the name is served on the net there is zero traffic except some type in traffic if the name does get type ins.

How exactly does a name get type-in traffic if it's not being served (hosted by a server)?


23rd August 2007, 08:02 AM
it still gets requested, the dns just doesnt route it. Thats the only traffic a non / never hosted name could get except bots and net anomalies.

I bet the domain name server on this one spins all day with direct type in traffic:


nothing there though :)

23rd August 2007, 09:19 AM
it still gets requested, the dns just doesnt route it. Thats the only traffic a non / never hosted name could get except bots and net anomalies.

I bet the domain name server on this one spins all day with direct type in traffic:


nothing there though :)

Right... So what you really meant to say is that the nameserver is likely getting traffic for type-ins to a domain, but the domain isn't hosted in any webserver. It potentially receives DNS traffic, but not HTTP traffic.

Television.com, on the other hand, *is* hosted on a webserver. However, the idiot who owns it has configured his webserver to return "400 bad request" for any page you request. In this way, he is able to see via his webserver logfiles exactly how much type-in traffic he receives. Parsing DNS logfiles and correlating that to HTTP traffic is far, far more difficult.
