View Full Version : Films.net , Cinema.net , Girls.net + More

4th October 2007, 03:16 AM
"Results" are from results on www.yandex.ru (the most popular Russian search engine) and "Searches" are from thier "Overture" equivalent which lists the monthly searches done on thier site and can be found at www.wordstat.yandex.ru

"cinema.net" and "films.net" are active sites and do get traffic although right now it is not huge, but they are beginning to be spidered well and are both in listed in yandex. For some reason when I type in thier URL it is not showing up but I can see results from yandex in my stats so I know they are in there somewhere.

Feel free to make any reasonable offers.

CINEMA.NET xn--h1adke.net кино (http://xn--h1adke.net/)
(кино.net) 94,108,716 results - 343029 monthly searches Taking offers from $3,000

FILMS.NET xn--h1agd3a1be.net фильмы (http://xn--h1agd3a1be.net/)
(фильмы.net) 98,905,025 results - 1619922 monthly searches Taking offers from $3,000

GIRLS.NET xn--b1addnj7c9a.net (девушки.net) 102,170,945 results - 533701 monthly searches Taking offers from $1,000

GIRLS.TV xn--b1addnj7c9a.tv (девушки.tv) 102,170,945 results - 533701 monthly searches Taking offers from $1,000

(YOUNG) GIRLS.NET xn--b1addnjx7d.net (девочки.net) 46,130,738 results - 300719 monthly searches Taking offers from $750

(YOUNG) GIRLS.TV xn--b1addnjx7d.tv (девочки.tv) 46,130,738 results - 300719 monthly searches Taking offers from $750

MODEL.NET xn--d1acsbk1g.net (модель.net) 192,616,705 results - 290392 monthly searches Taking offers from $750

MODEL.TV xn--d1acsbk1g.tv (модель.tv) 192,616,705 results - 290392 monthly searches Taking offers from $750

MODELS.TV xn--d1acjlcm.tv (модели.tv) 192,783,493 results - 290392 monthly searches Taking offers from $750

TEENS.NET xn--d1aifobdjjj.net (подростки.net) 15,375,909 results - 53808 monthly searches Taking offers from $500

TEENS.TV xn--d1aifobdjjj.tv (подростки.tv) 15,375,909 results - 53808 monthly searches Taking offers from $500

PHOTOMODEL.NET xn--d1acsbjab3aq2g.net (фотомодель.net) 3,416,897 results - 15760 monthly searches $300

PHOTOMODEL.TV xn--d1acsbjab3aq2g.tv (фотомодель.tv) 3,416,897 results - 15760 monthly searches $300

PHOTOMODELS.NET xn--d1acjlclab7as.net (фотомодели.net) 3,441,053 results - 15760 monthly searches $300

PHOTOMODELS.TV xn--d1acjlclab7as.tv (фотомодели.tv) 3,441,053 results 15760 monthly searches $300

MODELINGBUSINESS.COM xn--90afdbjffpgned3c9hna.com (модельныйбизнес.com) 524,587 results $100

MODELING-BUSINESS.COM xn----btbheclgfrhofd7c4ioa.com (модельный-бизнес.com) 524,587 results $100

MODELINGAGENCY.COM xn--80aeccfac8bgnedeg7bq5n.com (модельноеагенство.com) 139,995 results - 11839 monthly searches $100

MODELING-AGENCY.COM xn----8sbgdcgad3chofdeh0cr4o.com (модельное-агенство.com) 139,995 results - 11839 monthly searches $100

16th October 2007, 01:51 PM
had some ionterest by PM here and on other forums but nothing has been decided yet. Let me know if any interest you. Prices are negotiable.

24th October 2007, 02:39 PM
still accepting offers

29th October 2007, 01:03 PM
Going to be making a decision soon on several of these domains so let me know if any interest you. Prices for many are negotiable.

9th November 2007, 02:52 AM
still taking offers

12th November 2007, 10:23 AM
still taking offers. Prices negotiable-

6th December 2007, 09:25 AM
Still taking offers. As I said before prices are negotiable-