View Full Version : Dropping soon at DS

9th October 2007, 05:52 PM
A few names I am planning on dropping soon at DS..They are close to expiry and will be deleted from my DS account any day now so if you are interested in one make me an offer quick :) Do your own research as some may be incorrect spelling etc and as I am working away from home a lot at the moment I don't have time to sort them all out properly....

xn--41bh5dg3d.net (जालघर.net)

xn--yck7ccu9ked.net (ホーム・ページ.net)

xn--cck1d2c.com (メアド.com)

xn--9dbre4a.com (מקון.com)

xn--9dbre7af.com (רשמון.com)

xn--9dbre7af.net (רשמון.net)

xn--4dbbne1gd.com (בראוזר.com)

xn--debat2b.com (ןטטר.com)

xn--edbaj5imzy1b.com (טֶלֶפוֹן.com)

xn--ogbf8fi.net (جوية.net)

xn--mgbp4dbpx.net (دكاكين.net)

xn--lgbbcgdm6byj.com (بالتجزئة.com)

xn--lgbbcgdm6byj.net (بالتجزئة.net)

xn--mgbz7ccfi.com (شهوانى.com)

xn--mgbz7ccfi.net (شهوانى.net)

xn--mgbero1j.com (سادية.com)

xn--mgbero1j.net (سادية.net)

xn--wgbe0coikd.net (كيروسين.net)

xn--enfranais-v3a.net (enfrançais.net)

xn--pgbeo2fdg1a.net (مترجمين.net)

xn--pgbeo2fdgn.com (مترجمون.com) SOLD

xn--pgbeo2fdgn.net (مترجمون.net)

10th October 2007, 07:12 AM
Violation of forum rules to list a sales thread with no price or price range.
