View Full Version : Range of French IDNs for sale

12th October 2007, 12:03 AM
Offers from $x,xxx each on these...

accèsinternet.com (internet access)
aromathérapie.com (aromatherapy)
bandedessinée.com and bandesdessinées.com (comic book/comic books)
bannières.com (banners) - SOLD
bienêtre.com (wellbeing)
chrétien.com and chrétiens.com (Christian/Christians)
fiançailles.com (engagement)
ingénieurs.com (engineers)
jeuderôle.com (role playing game)
machineàsous.com and machinesàsous.com (slot machine/slot machines)
méningite.com (meningitis)
ostéopathie.com (osteopathy)
systèmesolaire.com (solar system)

and the following which are French but not IDN...

assurancepouranimaux.com (animal insurance)
avertisseursderadar.com (radar detectors)
baguedefiancailles.com and baguesdefiancailles.com (engagement ring/engagement rings)
flechettes.com (darts)
musiquemp3.com (MP3 music)
quel.net (which)
serveurftp.com (ftp server)
tableauperiodique.com (periodic table)
voituredecourse.com and voituresdecourse.com (racing car/racing cars)
voituredesport.com and voituresdesport.com (sports car/sports cars)
volcharter.com and volscharter.com (charter flight/charter flights)
zoneinterdite.com (forbidden zone)

Update: bannières.com (banners) SOLD.

Keep those offers coming!