View Full Version : DIY.net - US$200,000 sold !

12th November 2007, 03:02 AM
[diy.net] - US$200,000 sold on a Chinese domain name forum in Taiwan:


十一月 11th, 2007 HALA Posted in 投資理財, 電子商務, 電腦與網路 |

在一個網路的時代,許多精明的投資者和企業家,寧願買網址,而不是買房子。台灣的域名專業論壇「網域名稱俱樂部」( http://www.domainclub.org )表示,該論壇的二名會員日前完成了一筆台灣有史以來最大的域名交易,一名台灣會員擁有的diy.net以二十萬美元的高價出售給另一名會員,買家是住在美國的美籍華人企業家,同時也是網路上有名的英文教學網站「台灣英文網」(www.english.com.tw)的創辦人。





「事實上,許多國際大企業早已將網域名稱的投資作為行銷廣告經費的一環了」,域名俱樂部的資深會員表示,「這也是為什麼許多大型的跨國企業願意花幾百萬甚至千萬美金來取得一個頂級的domain name。」

從當時.com泡沫時傳出以750萬美金買下business.com迄今,網域名稱的市場完全沒有受到達康泡沫破滅的影響,反而日益高漲,如今好的域名價格動輒千萬美金以上。例如 poker.com 在不久前才以二千七百萬美金的高價易手,而十分稀少僅有二個字母組成的LI.com 和 AZ.com 則都各以五十萬美金成交,chinese.com則賣了一百一十二萬美金,而最幸運的應屬iphone.com和wii.com的原擁有人,二者像是中了樂透般,他們原先無意間註冊的名字成了大公司的產品名稱,具了解iphone.com就被蘋果公司以百萬美金收購。


新聞來源 http://www.whatsnew.org/archives/578

12th November 2007, 05:04 AM
Great deal IMO. The domain was getting great traffic and had huge development potential.

12th November 2007, 05:10 AM
wow, i didn't expect a .net to have so much type-in. so you guys going to register the idn also? :p

12th November 2007, 05:12 AM
so you guys going to register the idn also? :p

lol! :)

Rubber Duck
12th November 2007, 11:09 AM
The real significance of this has been totally missed particularly at DNF.

The important lesson here is that there are massive sales going down in China which go totally unnoticed. This is very much part of the TRAFFICS market, but such transactions are not even showing up on their radars most of the time. They ignore China at their peril. God knows what Chinese Language domains will transact for when they take off!

They also failed to note that DIY.com is used by B&Q (Woolworths) and never likely to be available.

12th November 2007, 12:32 PM
Does diy mean something in pinyin?


12th November 2007, 02:19 PM
The real significance of this has been totally missed particularly at DNF.

The important lesson here is that there are massive sales going down in China which go totally unnoticed. This is very much part of the TRAFFICS market, but such transactions are not even showing up on their radars most of the time. They ignore China at their peril. God knows what Chinese Language domains will transact for when they take off!

They also failed to note that DIY.com is used by B&Q (Woolworths) and never likely to be available.

Well, this is nothing unusual, i already told you that premium buyers from have to come from native markets....

12th November 2007, 02:22 PM

The premium buyers of Chinese names will of course come from China. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. does not cater to this group.

Rubber Duck
12th November 2007, 02:33 PM
I don't quite think things are that simple.

Monte is already doing silent auctions in Macau, so I guess he is interested in the Global Market place.

Rick regards himself as head of the Industry, but I agree he is currently only catering for ASCII names, and predominantly English dot Coms.

The market will show everyone the limitations of this strategy. Everyone in the aftermarket will have to compete for business in whatever way they can. If the competition is starts making major sales in IDN, every other major player will want a part of the action. It is going to be very tough for anyone with a commercial brain to stay aloof for long.


The premium buyers of Chinese names will of course come from China. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. does not cater to this group.

14th November 2007, 07:30 AM
This news shown on DNjournal -


Rubber Duck
14th November 2007, 07:38 AM
More $100 dollar a year peasants speculating in domains, no doubt!

Can you imagine the enthuisiasm when they get their heads around navigation in Chinese!

16th November 2007, 02:20 AM
This is dtc - the new owner of DIY.net


16th November 2007, 02:33 AM
This is dtc - the new owner of DIY.net

why is he buying english .com.tw names

16th November 2007, 02:57 AM
dtc also own those domains shown on that white board (
behind him)