View Full Version : It's hard not to feel

1st December 2008, 01:37 PM
I am working now with some native language folks on site development and it's hard not to feel an obvious animosity sometimes when it suddenly dawns on the native speaker that all meaningful domains in his language are gone. Well, some are taken by his compatriots, granted, but by foreigners? Some folk have a hard time dealing with it in principle.
Since I don't have need to build bridges in this case (nor do I feel I have to), it's an obvious disqualifier for my project but I wonder if anybody felt it in general

2nd December 2008, 05:50 AM
there is going to be an enormous shake out in Domaining...

all the garbage and typo ASCII names in whatever language are going to drop eventually because the ROI will drop below the re-reg fee.

Sure they will get picked up 2x to 5x, but they will still finally stagnate inside Godaddy etc...eventually...

In China, there will be a huge drop of garbage ASCII dot cn's even at the 1 yuan level, because they too, will not have an ROI, and no renewals.

Other script languages are going to have individual issues of who owns what, and what nation they are from....and ccTLD vs GTLD arguments for a decade... I don't care...

I think Latin America and French speaking nations in Africa are going to zoom past Spain and France with IDN's, dot com or dot ccTLD ...because they SMS with correct accents...and mobile web browsers are IDN compliant.....

french/spanish ASCII domains without proper marks etc...

I think some dot ES/dot Com ASCII's and dot FR/dot com ASCII's are in for a shock in the next 24 months....

With regards to feelings.....
IDN's studdered and faltered in 2001, and in the 2005 ++++ , we have been waiting....
some patiently......
others no so patiently........

If someone in another nation is pissed off, that I made money on names and he/she didn't ...oh well....

I have lost money...and I have made money.....
IDN's have not been hidden...
just because people did not have thoughts about the power of their own language is standard.....oh well...that's par.....

Pele said..." I am just an average athlete....but I samba dance with the ball better than everyone else"
