View Full Version : Various language domains for auction

15th May 2009, 04:39 PM
Each starts at $5 - $1 increments
At either Dynadot or Moniker.
Ends 24 hours after last bid

xn--xcktbg0r.net -- シドニー.net -- Sydney -- Jp

xn--1jq421i.net -- 书签.net -- Bookmark -- Ch

xn--80af0bads.net -- группа.net -- Group -- Ru

xn--v4q47tqkd.com -- 婴幼儿.com -- Baby -- Ch

xn--pss221i.net -- 大衣.net -- Overcoat / Topcoat -- Ch

xn--zqqx9w.net -- 余姚.net -- Yuyao - Pop - 1,600,000 -- Ch

xn--1lq009b.com -- 京房.com -- Beijing Room -- Ch

xn--80acubfbd9bl.com -- карибский.com -- Carribean -- Ru

xn--cckak3dq7n2f.net -- サウジアラビア.net -- Saudi Arabia -- Jp

xn--ihq79i65yr3cr6m.net -- 横浜不動産.net -- Yokohama Real Estate
-- Jp

xn--ihq79i68jdrzv3e.net -- 福岡不動産.net -- Fukuoka Real Estate -- Jp

xn--ihq79igxaxev91bmr1b.net -- 名古屋不動産.net -- Nagoya Real Estate -- Jp

xn--ihq79ijykwxalfm08k.net -- 川崎市不動産.net -- Kawasaki Real Estate -- Jp

xn--ihq79is5l01ixrr.net -- 札幌不動産.net -- Sapporo Real Estate -- Jp

xn--ihq79iurqtnsv0e.net -- 神戸不動産.net -- Kobe Real Estate -- Jp

xn--ihq79iy7tl9i6hh.net -- 新潟不動産.net -- Nigata Real Estate -- Jp

xn--ihq79iy7tl9i6hh03c.net -- 新潟県不動産.net -- Nigata Prefecture Real Estate -- Jp

xn--ihqxo86h6so691ag68a.net -- 京都市不動産.net -- Kyoto City Real Estate -- Jp

xn--ihqxo86hx98brd3a.net -- 京都不動産.net -- Kyoto Real Estate -- Jp

xn--ick7bf1545bzy9b.net -- エッチ小説.net -- Lewd Story -- Jp

xn--olsy72ar9n64h.net -- 報知新聞.net -- Information Newspaper -- Jp

xn--wlqy5lnb298fjfngfh.com -- 呼和浩特房产.com -- Hohhot Real Estate -- Ch

xn--tcnico-bva.net -- técnico.net -- Technician -- Es / Pt

xn--jvrx70b.net -- 新品.net -- New Products (Brand-) -- Jp -- 82,439

xn--yoz87j.net -- 耶稣.net -- Jesus -- Ch

xn--rls175arkhxog.biz -- 為替相場.biz -- Exchange Rates -- Jp -- 148,210

xn--5cks1i2a.biz -- タレント.biz -- Star -- Jp -- 4,000,856

xn--mckva9i6bub6c.biz -- シンガポール.biz -- Singapore -- Jp -- 52,343

xn--cckp9b4c3ig6j.biz -- オーストラリア.biz -- Australia -- Jp -- 71,253

xn--efvv70dunal9c.biz -- 芸能新聞.biz -- Entertainment Newspaper -- Jp -- 1,264,775

xn--dgtv77g.biz -- 薬局.biz -- Pharmacy / Chemist -- Jp -- 32,044

xn--iuzs00d.net -- 童鞋.net -- Childrens Shoes -- Jp / Ch --

xn--m1x.net -- 牌.net -- Mahjong Tile / Playing Cards -- Ch / Jp

xn--vcss3y587arhi.net 国際投資.net International Investment Jp

Some you will have to add renewal fee before they can be pushed.

15th May 2009, 05:14 PM
xn--v4q47tqkd.com -- 婴幼儿.com -- $5

15th May 2009, 05:35 PM
横浜不動産.net $5
京都不動産.net $5
呼和浩特房产.com $5

16th May 2009, 05:35 AM
xn--v4q47tqkd.com -- 婴幼儿.com -- Baby -- Ch

Steve Clarke
16th May 2009, 01:28 PM
карибский.com - $5

23rd May 2009, 11:27 AM
still on auction?

if so..
xn--1jq421i.net -- 书签.net -- Bookmark -- Ch $5

23rd May 2009, 12:31 PM
Sorry, afraid not .. Can previous auction winners PM me with your details please? (Depending on the domain you may have to add renewal fee before I can push it .. Use whois for where the domain is located)

Sheesh, I should remember to add 'Post To Claim' And possibly amend my non-existent sig

still on auction?

if so..
xn--1jq421i.net -- 书签.net -- Bookmark -- Ch $5