View Full Version : Premium Chinese IDN Portfolio Auction

27th February 2010, 04:10 PM
Below is the portfolio of 122 names I posted yesterday, this time with translations. Also this time will be AUCTION format. Entire portfolio up for bid. $1500.00 to start. Minimum $50 increment. Auction ends 2 weeks from now (3/13/2010, 12:00pm U.S. EST). Please feel free to verify all translations with dictionary / native speakers, and message me with any questions. Thank you.

1. 最高级.com - highest.com (in the sense of level or skill)
2. 最高级.net - highest.net (same as #1)
3. 最顶级.com - [summit / bleeding edge].com (with 'most' character in the front which is OK gramatically in chinese)
4. 顶级.net - [summit / bleeding edge].net (without 'most' in front)
5. 更高.com - higher.com
6. 高等.com - highgrade.com (in the sense of quality)
7. 最高等.com - highestgrade.com (in the sense of quality - one word in chinese, not two)
8. 最高台.com - highestplane.com (one word)

9. 快点.net - faster.net
10. 极快.com - superfast.com (one word)
11. 更快.com - faster.com (slightly more formal than #9 above, same meaning)
12. 更快.net - faster.net (slightly more formal than #9 above, same meaning)
13. 最快.net - fastest.net

14. 实惠东东.com - [real bargain stuff / toys / play-thing-ies].com
15. 便宜东东.com - [cheap stuff / toys / play-thing-ies].com
16. 优惠东东.com - [good bargain stuff / toys / play-thing-ies].com
17. 低价东东.com - [low-priced stuff / toys / play-thing-ies].com
18. 特价东东.com - [special-price stuff / toys / play-thing-ies].com
19. 天天低价.com - [day after day low price].com
20. 天天最低价.com - [day after day lowest price].com
21. 天天最低.com - [day after day lowest].com
22. 天天优惠.com - [day after day good bargains].com
23. 天天最好.com - [day after day the best].com

24. 千百万.com - "qian bai wan" - literally "thousand hundred ten-thousand", sounds great in chinese, not-so-great in english
25. 老百姓.org - [all the common people].org (one word, colloquial)
26. 我喜欢.net - iLike.com
27. 面对面.org - facetoface.org
28. 高手.org - master.org (in the sense of skill level in games, martial arts, etc.)
29. 长命.com - longlife.com

30. 会不会.com - [can you do it?].com
31. 去不去.com - [do you want to go?].com
32. 来不来.com - [are you coming?].com
33. 走不走.com - [are you leaving?].com
34. 要不要.com - [do you want it?].com
35. 要不要.net - [do you want it?].net
36. 干不干.com - [will you do it?].com

37. 我会.com - iCan.com
38. 你说呢.com - [what do you say/think?].com (in the sense of asking someone to respond to something)
39. 早上好.com - goodmorning.com
40. 干吗.com - [what's up].com
41. 干吗.net - [what's up].net
42. 干嘛.com - [what's up].com (same as #40, variant question particle suffix)
43. 干嘛.net - [what's up].net (same as #41, variant question particle suffix)
44. 哎呀.com - "aiiieeeyaaaaa".com (very common exclamation in chinese)
45. 给你.com - [here you go].com (in the sense of giving something)
46. 送给你.com - givetoyou.com
47. 喝吧.com - [go ahead, drink it / drink up].com
48. 你是谁.com - whoareyou.com
49. 是谁.com - iswho.com
50. 太好啦.com - [alright!].com (in the sense of being happy or glad about something)
51. 太好了.org - [alright!].org (same as #50, variant particle ending)
52. 哇靠.com - [what the hell!? / damn!?].com
53. 在哪.net - where.net
54. 在哪.org - where.org
55. 哪里.net - where.net (variant colloquial form)
56. 哪里.org - where.org (variant colloquial form)
57. 哈哈哈.org - hahaha.org
58. 哈哈.org - haha.org
59. 呵呵.net - hehe.net
60. 呵呵.org - hehe.org
61. 我要.org - iwant.org
62. 天天.org - everyday.org (in the sense of "day after day")

63. 开口.com - [to open one's mouth].com (in the sense of being about to say something)
64. 开口.org - [to open one's mouth].org (in the sense of being about to say something)
65. 给我.com - giveme.com
66. 玩艺.com - thing.com (in the sense of something that is tangible, not large in size, and interesting)
67. 想念.com - miss.com (in the sense of missing somebody who is absent)
68. 高飞.com - flyhigh.com
69. 开工.com - [begin construction].com (single word meaning to begin a construction project)
70. 电城.com - [electric / electronics / circuit]city.com
71. 现在.net - now.net
72. 真假.org - trueorfalse.org
73. 你我.net - You[and]Me.net
74. 你我.org - You[and]Me.org

75. 走吧.com - letsgo.com
76. 走吧.net - letsgo.net
77. 走走.com - "go go".com (in the sense of going for a walk)
78. 走走走.com - "go go go".com (in the sense of urging somebody to leave quickly, with you)
79. 走一走.com - [go for a walk or stroll].com
80. 我要去.com - [i'm going!].com

81. 极好.com - extremely[nice/good].com (one word)
82. 中国最好.com - bestofchina.com
83. 中国最好.net - bestofchina.net
84. 全国最好.com - nationsbest.com
85. 全世界最好.com - [best in the whole world].com
86. 世界最好.com - [best in the world].com
87. 世界最好.net - [best in the world].net
88. 全世界第一.com - [first in the whole world].com (in the sense of first place)
89. 全世界第一.net - [first in the whole world].net (in the sense of first place)
90. 全国第一.com - [first in the country].com (in the sense of first place)
91. 全国第一.net - [first in the country].net (in the sense of first place)
92. 中国第一.net - [first in china].net (in the sense of first place)

93. 天外.com - [beyond the highest heavens / far, far away].com
94. 天外有天.com - (poetic 4-character sequence meaning "there is always another heaven beyond this one; there is no limit to the universe; there is no limit to learning, skills, ability, etc.")
95. 莫明其妙.com - (colloquial 4-character sequence meaning "what the heck???" "i just don't get it/him/her" "no rhyme or reason")
96. 花容月貌.com - (poetic 4-character sequence referring to a very beautiful woman)
97. 没完没了.com - (colloquial 4-character sequence meaning "no end in sight" "it never stops/ends" "without end")

98. 金百万.com - "JinBaiWan.com" (name of a large restaurant chain in Beijing)
99. 北京金百万.com - "BeijingJinBaiWan.com" (see #98 explanation)
100. 快乐之家.com - [the home of happiness].com
101. 上海公寓.com - ShanghaiCondo.com

102. 猫猫狗狗.com - literary/colloquial expression meaning basically "cats and dogs everywhere".com
103. 狗迷.com - doglover.com

104. 万书之家.com - [home of ten thousand books] (ten thousand means unlimited in written chinese)
105. 万书.com - [ten thousand books].com (ten thousand means unlimited in written chinese)
106. 万书网.com - [ten thousand books web].com (ten thousand means unlimited in written chinese)
107. 天下万书.com - [ten thousand books under heaven / under the sun].com (ten thousand means unlimited in written chinese)

108. 优惠之家.com - [home of good bargains].com
109. 实惠之家.com - [home of real bargains].com
110. 实惠大网.com - [big website of real bargains].com
111. 优惠大网.com - [big website of good bargains].com

112. 万民.com - [all the people].com (literally "ten thousand people" - see #104-107 note)
113. 万民之家.com [home of all the people].com (literally "home of ten thousand people - see #104-107 note)
114. 天下万民之家.com [home of all the people under heaven].com (literally "home of ten thousand people under heaven" - see #104-107 note)

115. 万品网.com - [all things website].com (literally "ten thousand things website")
116. 天下万品之家.com - [home of all things under heaven].com (literally "home of ten thousand things under heaven")
117. 天下万品.com - [home of all things].com (literally "home of ten thousand things")

118. 极品之家.com - [home of highest-grade / best-quality goods].com
119. 品位之家.com - [home of taste.com] (in the sense of somebody having good taste in clothing/design/art/etc.)

120. 万名.com - [all names].com (literally "ten thousand names")
121. 万名拍卖.com - [all names auction].com (literally "ten thousand names auction")
122. 万名之家.com - [home of all names].com (literally "home of ten thousand names")

4th March 2010, 01:27 AM
auction canceled by original poster, deciding to keep these names for now