View Full Version : new cnnic data for june: 2/3's use mobile Net access

19th July 2010, 11:19 PM

recent cnnic data on 'netizens'

2/3 using phones for net access ...basically 80% +++ yr on yr growth.


The mobile internet market of China is larger than the US internet market.

simply amazing.

article is at :


South Asia is starting to have this 3G based growth.
Africa will have it as well, with 2nd hand phones from China in 2011/12.

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20th July 2010, 05:52 AM
Very interesting info for anyone developing chinese IDNs. I would think a similar ratio would exist with many other countries or developing areas as well. To fellow developers, be sure to include a "mobile" version on your IDN websites.. and no that does not mean we need an IDN.mobi ;)

..guess they did anyway http://mtld.mobi/resource/idnmobi-sunrise-now-open