View Full Version : Safari: URL Autocomplete

8th September 2010, 05:50 PM
It is getting to the point when you can't key in the domain name without your typing being hijacked by Safari right in the URL bar!

Open Terminal, paste in the command:

To disable Auto-Complete Web Addresses:
defaults write com.apple.Safari DebugSafari4IncludeFancyURLCompletionList -bool NO

Disable Google auto suggestions:
defaults write com.apple.Safari DebugSafari4IncludeGoogleSuggest -bool NO
Disable Top Sites feature:
defaults write com.apple.Safari DebugSafari4IncludeTopSites -bool NO

How to disable CoverFlow in Safari 4:
CoverFlow looks really good and it’s a nice function but when you have hundreds of bookmarks it might slow down the Safari perfomance. In those cases it might be just better to disable CoverFlow which you can simply do by running the command posted below in Terminal.
defaults write com.apple.Safari DebugSafari4IncludeFlowViewInBookmarksView -bool NO

Undoing ALL Safari 4 changes
There is a simple way to restore Safari 4 to default. Just use the command posted below. If you just like to reverse one of options you’ve changed, simply replace “NO” with “YES” at the end of the command on the desired option and re-run it in Terminal.
defaults delete com.apple.Safari