View Full Version : Verisign 3rd quarter earnings call: timing of IDNs

30th October 2010, 06:43 AM
From the Verisign Q3 2010 earnings call transcript (Q&A) (http://seekingalpha.com/article/233163-verisign-q3-2010-earnings-call-transcript?part=qanda), which I've corrected a bit by listening to the podcast (https://investor.verisign.com/common/download/download.cfm?companyid=VRSN&fileid=413737&filekey=772542d7-7b4b-428b-baca-55c490913500&filename=), starting at about 21:10.

Mark McLaughlin (Verisign President and CEO):

And on the IDN side, we expect the new gTLDs of which we consider the IDN versions of com and net to go into application process mid-2011 and be granted sometime in early 2012. So that time frame as far as the market expectations, we think these are opportunities for us. We're trying to be a bit measured on that given two factors that we know and this is a rough analogy. The one thing we know is that the IDNs that are in the com net base today, that are the English IDNs. Meaning com is still in English even though it may have Kanji in front of it. There's about 1 million names in the base today, in our base on that. And then on a global basis if you look at ccTLDs, it will be from countries that would be the prime suspects, if you will, as far as sales that are in cyrillic or some other languages that's not English. There's about 16 million, 17 million total ccTLDs that are in those languages. So it's a little hard to be specific at this point as to where it will come in. But we try to use those sort of English [indiscernible].

Something for you to discuss at the IDN event.


30th October 2010, 10:22 AM
Yep, definitely sounds like we will have an actual launch in 2012. Just have to keep (re)-tightening my belt until then :)

30th October 2010, 02:16 PM
IDN -ICANN theme song
