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26th November 2010, 12:54 PM
Impressive! This Stinky Tofu site has 4 functioning .台灣 addresses


André 小山 Schappo

26th November 2010, 10:55 PM
Are there several variants for .台灣 itself?

27th November 2010, 10:35 AM
Are there several variants for .台灣 itself?

There are the simplified and traditional variants ie traditional = 台灣, simplified 台湾

eg. Carrefour have 5 of the 6 possible combinations of variants

traditional dot traditional http://家樂福.台灣/
simplified dot simplified http://家乐福.台湾/
traditional dot simplified http://家樂福.台湾/
simplified dot traditional http://家乐福.台灣/
traditional dot tw http://家樂福.tw/

For some reason Carrefour have not implemented simplified dot tw http://家乐福.tw/

I have looked at http://www.twnic.net.tw/english/dn/dn_07a.htm and it does state that one automatically gets the simplified & traditional variants. It does though use the future tense ie TWNIC will implement .... But I assume that the English version document has not yet been updated.

I did a whois for 家樂福 at http://www.twnic.net.tw/index2.php and it lists the variants and combinations for that domain. It does though not list simplified dot traditional combination even though this combination is valid. I think this is just a problem with the reporting mechanism.

If you want to perform a whois lookup then select tw (泛英/泛中)

I conclude that the Taiwan system is the same as the China system. Register an idn domain and then one automatically gets all variants and combinations of variants. It is then up to the Registrant to implement some or all of the 6 variant combinations. But I have never registered a Taiwan idn. So can anyone confirm whether or not my conclusions are correct?

André 小山 Schappo