View Full Version : Arabic/Persian Confirmations

12th February 2011, 09:25 AM
I would appreciate confirmations, especially from native speakers if they are correct. Also if they are the PRIME term as well, thanks!

للعنايةبالبشرة xn--mgbacbcd9cxa3bzhafv1d.com Skin Care للعناية بالبشرة
خمور xn--tgbg3dm.com Alcohol or Wines?
حقائبيد xn--lgbbern4ipc.com Handbags حقائب يد
الفيتامين xn--mgbai5gojh2ad.com (The)Vitamins
التلفزيونات xn--mgbaib2byftabutv.net (The)TVs
عطور xn--wgblf5d.net Perfumes

نوزادان xn--mgbaxk3hej.com Babies
ماهیگیری xn--mgbu2dj43cnfbb.com Fishing
مراقبتازپوست xn--mgbacib1bli4k1a4b95c.com Skin Care مراقبت از پوست
مراقبتازمو xn--mgbaci6ak2ivah4a.com Hair Care مراقبت از مو

Comments greatly appreciated :)

12th February 2011, 07:09 PM
للعنايةبالبشرة xn--mgbacbcd9cxa3bzhafv1d.com Skin Care

the correct term is العناية بالبشرة not للعناية بالبشرة .

it means "Complexion Care". two words not connected

للعناية بالبشرة means "for complexion care"

خمور xn--tgbg3dm.com

حقائبيد xn--lgbbern4ipc.com Handbags

Correct meaning but the two words are connected so it can't be read

الفيتامين xn--mgbai5gojh2ad.com (The)Vitamins

means the vitamin (not plural)

التلفزيونات xn--mgbaib2byftabutv.net (The)TVs

Correct. alsoالتليفزيونات

عطور xn--wgblf5d.net Perfumes

Correct and a very nice name.

12th February 2011, 07:10 PM
للعنايةبالبشرة xn--mgbacbcd9cxa3bzhafv1d.com Skin Care

the correct term is العناية بالبشرة not للعناية بالبشرة .

it means "Complexion Care". two words not connected

للعناية بالبشرة means "for complexion care"
خمور xn--tgbg3dm.com

حقائبيد xn--lgbbern4ipc.com Handbags

Correct meaning but the two words are connected so it can't be read
الفيتامين xn--mgbai5gojh2ad.com (The)Vitamins

means the vitamin (not plural)
التلفزيونات xn--mgbaib2byftabutv.net (The)TVs

Correct. alsoالتليفزيونات
عطور xn--wgblf5d.net Perfumes

Correct and a very nice name.

you may see other opinions too

13th February 2011, 04:36 AM
Thanks for the help, greatly appreciated :) So you'd say that both the above "Skin Care" & Handbags names would be drops then because they stick together? Is there any 2 word Arabics worth getting or are they all going to suffer from the same problems?

Also if there are any Persian speakers that could confirm the Persian names, that would be great!

13th February 2011, 07:23 AM
So you'd say that both the above "Skin Care" & Handbags names would be drops then because they stick together? Is there any 2 word Arabics worth getting or are they all going to suffer from the same problems?

No, the first one is not stuck

للعنايةبالبشرة are not connected

the problem with it is that it doesn't mean "the complexion care"
it means " for the complexion care" as the word "عناية" is started by "لل " not "ال".

So if you on purpose wanna " for the complexion care" meaning,it is a good term and the two words are not connected.

the other term "hand bags" are stuck and connected and can't be read.


Not all the Arabic words connect and stick together
and their are many prime names that consists of two words and they don't stick together.

Words that end by letters like ب,ت,ث,ج,ح,خ and others usually stick
with the following word so the two words must be separated.
others that end by letters like د,ذ,ر,ز,ة and others usually don't stick and may not be separated. so your first one "للعناية " ends by "ة" so it is not connected to the following word "البشرة".

But,if there is a good two word term that is connected,you can separate them with a hyphen,although in my opinion that will decrease its value (unless it's a very good one) as hyphens aren't commonly used in Arabic language.

Hope this helps :) .

14th February 2011, 10:16 AM
Ok, thanks for the detailed explanation :)

17th February 2011, 04:19 AM
If you wouldn't mind, I also have a few more Arabic that I'd like confirmations on if they are the main Prime terms:

الرضيع.com xn--mgbupm6cwb.com Baby
الشوكولا.com xn--mgba2b6cdc0ab.com (The)Chocolate
ساخنه.com xn--mgbon2ff.com Hot
للتدخين.com xn--pgbic6fap1a.com Smoking
الغذاء.net xn--ggbla9azc3c.net (The)Food
اللغة.net xn--mgbe4cxba.net (The)Language

26th January 2013, 03:05 PM
I just saw this :)

الرضيع.com (The baby) Good

الشوكولا.com (The Chocola) Good
(The prime term is الشوكولاتة but this is good too)

ساخنه.com (Hot) the correct term is (ساخنة)

للتدخين.com (The smoking) the correct term is (التدخين)

الغذاء.net (The food) Good

اللغة.net (The Language) Good

I know it's too late. But, I hope it helps...