View Full Version : some .jps - $25 each

20th February 2011, 08:47 PM
Bin is $25 for each. Closes 48 hours after this post.

The following translations are all confirmed by a native. Feel free to comment though.

聖書.jp - xn--rovp87c.jp - bible (up to 3 million Christians in Japan per Wikipedia)
接客.jp - xn--ubt59p.jp - customer service (for image search, make sure you look at .jp sites only :) )
会見.jp - xn--6oqs83l.jp - interview (as in "an interview by a journalist", not as in "job interview")
古い.jp - xn--n8j658h.jp - old (for both objects and people)
乗り.jp - xn--nbkz01g.jp - ride (verb)
辛い.jp - xn--n8jx48z.jp - spicy
舞台.jp - xn--kprp88h.jp - stage

20th February 2011, 09:26 PM
sold $25 each
舞台.jp - xn--kprp88h.jp - stage
聖書.jp - xn--rovp87c.jp - bible