View Full Version : 予約ホテル.com - Worth Renewing ??

2nd March 2012, 08:20 AM
Hi guys

Just came across this domain that is up for renewal shortly. It is one of those that I have no idea how or when or why I registered it.


I believe it is Japanese.

Does it mean hotel reservations ?? Or something along those lines ?

Any help with this one would be most appreciated.

Thanks for your time


2nd March 2012, 09:03 AM
Hmmm. If only it was the other way around, i.e., ホテル予約.com

>>Does it mean hotel reservations ??

It's hard to translate exactly. But it's more like reservationshotel.com. The point is, the domain name unfortunately sounds weird.

2nd March 2012, 03:14 PM
Thanks for that Ryu - when I searched on Google for the term, I also noticed that the word were the other way around. Think I'll let this one drop ...