View Full Version : 美食家.com China IDN

15th July 2006, 02:43 PM
punycode :xn--fcTz74FslR.com
English :
1. gastronomist
2. gastrology
3. gastrologist
4. epicurean
5. epicure
For example:
1. This cookery book has been written by a real epicure.
2. A connoisseur of good food and drink; a gourmet.
Simp Chinese,
520,000 Google.cn with "美食家"
647,000 Baidu.com with "美食家"
美食家.net and 美食家.cn have register
It's may make a food website~~
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--14U002D.com
English : Capricorn
For example: In Chinese,摩羯座 and 摩羯 both meaning Capricorn.
Simp Chinese,
445,000 Google.cn with "摩羯"
2,570,000 Baidu.com with "摩羯"
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--hsT794G.com
English : Cancer
For example:In Chinese,巨蟹座 and 巨蟹 both meaning Cancer.Other 10 constellation have register.
Simp Chinese,
949,000 Google.cn with "巨蟹"
4,300,000 Baidu.com with "巨蟹"
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--fiQs8SirGfmH.net
English : Chinese government
For example:The chinese government welcome your visit---your visit to our country.
Simp Chinese,
7,260,000 Google.cn with "中国政府"
7,270,000 Baidu.com with "中国政府"
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--tqqs18fggj.com
English : 1. Community of Independent States (CIS)
Simp Chinese,
407,000 Google.cn with "独联体"
889,000 Baidu.com with "独联体"
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--sbu60j78b.com
English : Engels
For example:One that believes in or follows the ideas of Marx and Engels, especially a militant Communist.
Simp Chinese,
616,000 Google.cn with "恩格斯"
1,010,000 Baidu.com with "恩格斯"
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--ldaa.com
English : It's a sign IDN,
5,070,000 Google.cn with "ôô"
ôô.net ô.com ô.net have register
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--cyq849o.com
English : 1. cook the meals
For example:I am busy cooking dinner.It's may make a food website~~
Simp Chinese,
1,950,000 Google.cn with "做饭"
8,280,000 Baidu.com with "做饭"
Price: 20$

punycode :xn--1kv566j.com
English : topaz
For example:The ring is made of topaz.
Simp Chinese,
304,000 Google.cn with "黄晶"
241,000 Baidu.com with "黄晶"
Price: 15$

punycode :xn--ihqt55j.com
English : to like
For example: How do you like Hong Kong?
TW Chinese,
Tw ovt 8184 喜歡
13,800,000 Google.cn with "喜歡"
Price: 15$

Paypal Cash / Domainsite.com Push /

15th July 2006, 03:07 PM
punycode :xn--fcTz74FslR.com
English :
1. gastronomist
2. gastrology
3. gastrologist
4. epicurean
5. epicure
For example:
1. This cookery book has been written by a real epicure.
2. A connoisseur of good food and drink; a gourmet.
Simp Chinese,
520,000 Google.cn with "美食家"
647,000 Baidu.com with "美食家"
美食家.net and 美食家.cn have register
It's may make a food website~~
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--hsT794G.com
English : Cancer
For example:In Chinese,巨蟹座 and 巨蟹 both meaning Cancer.Other 10 constellation have register.
Simp Chinese,
949,000 Google.cn with "巨蟹"
4,300,000 Baidu.com with "巨蟹"
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--cyq849o.com
English : 1. cook the meals
For example:I am busy cooking dinner.It's may make a food website~~
Simp Chinese,
1,950,000 Google.cn with "做饭"
8,280,000 Baidu.com with "做饭"
Price: 20$

punycode :xn--fiQs8SirGfmH.net
English : Chinese government
For example:The chinese government welcome your visit---your visit to our country.
Simp Chinese,
7,260,000 Google.cn with "中国政府"
7,270,000 Baidu.com with "中国政府"
Price: 25$

punycode :xn--14U002D.com
English : Capricorn
For example: In Chinese,摩羯座 and 摩羯 both meaning Capricorn.
Simp Chinese,
445,000 Google.cn with "摩羯"
2,570,000 Baidu.com with "摩羯"
Price: 25$
