View Full Version : i can not believe it!!!

8th August 2006, 04:33 PM
the jp idn was sold just now at $10.

English: acceptance.com

84,600,000 yahoo.co.jp with ""
jp ovt 3741 受付
and 25 japanese bids (27 bids now,and the top bids is ¥204,¥203,¥202,¥202,¥202,¥201) ."


8th August 2006, 04:37 PM
Not sure man, i guess everbody is over at snap ! Im still waiting on 1 cent over here LOL http://www.idnforums.com/forums/5774-bullion-com-auction-starts-low.html

8th August 2006, 04:41 PM
Greedy bastards think they do better over giving cash to snap for half baked names.


If this BS continues, that's it with posting names on here. Period.

8th August 2006, 04:43 PM
As for this name specifically i am not sure...maybe lack of obvious commercial value?

Add to the fact that imo most became picky..maybe even "spoiled" when buying...
because take even what is still available at reg fee today and try and buy it in the ascii and you wont be able to for an amount that isnt up there

8th August 2006, 04:44 PM
Happens to all of us....
Everyone that has done auctions has sold domains at low cost...

8th August 2006, 04:46 PM
Not a great word in English for a website IMO, except that it is a single word. Some loan companies are "acceptance" corporations, but this is even weak from a consumer standpoint. Consumers would look for "loan". Maybe some religious connotations as to accepting faith?

Maybe this is a powerful word in Japanese, I don't know but many probably did not gain interest due to the English translation.

Rubber Duck
8th August 2006, 04:46 PM
the jp idn was sold just now at $10.

English: acceptance.com

84,600,000 yahoo.co.jp with ""
jp ovt 3741 受付
and 25 japanese bids (27 bids now,and the top bids is ¥204,¥203,¥202,¥202,¥202,¥201) ."


Because most people are trying to haul coal to Newcastle.

The End user market for Japanese domains is Japan, as those for Chinese is China.

For some reason IDNForums has been seen as THE place to sell. If it is, then it is a sign that market is completely screwed. At best is should only ever be a place where would be intemediaries come to obtain names sell on to end Users or investors trade amongst themselves. As there has recently been no great influx of quality investors, it is not surprising that with native Chinese turning up here by the bus load to offload everything in the dictionary that there is over supply in the market.

The astute players will be trying to get hold of quality and either develop them or market them directly to Chinese and Japanes companies. Local languages speakers living in the countries where these will be used are at a unique advantage to do this. If they do not, then not only are they wasting their natural talents, but the domains themselves will be reduced to novelty items.

ほとんどの人々がニューキャッスルに石炭を強く引くことを試みているので。 日本の範囲のためのエンドユーザーの市場は中国語のためのそれらが中国であるように、日本である。 どういうわけかIDNForumsは販売するためにように場所見られた。 そうであれば、それは市場が完全にねじで締まるという印である。 あるべきであるだけintemediaries名前を得ることを来る販売するエンドユーザーにのまたは投資家が彼ら自身の中で交換する場所は精々ある。 最近質投資家の大きい流入がずっとないので、それは市場に終わる供給があること不思議も辞書のすべてをオフロードするためにバス負荷によってここに出て来ている原産の中国語とでなくて。 鋭いプレーヤーはそれらを開発するか、または中国人およびJapanesの会社に直接販売するために質の把握を得ることを試みて。 これらが使用される国に住んでいるローカル言語スピーカーはこれをする独特な利点にある。 、自然な才能を無駄にするあるがただ範囲自身は新型項目に減る。

因为大多数人都试图捡煤纽卡斯尔. 市场对日本最终用户的领域是日本,因为这对中国是中国. 由于某种原因idnforums一直被视为地方卖. 如果是的话,它是一个标志,是完全的市场螺旋. 充其量只能是一个永远的地方将intemediaries前来索取销售给最终用户的名称或投资者彼此之间的贸易. 由于近来没有大批投资者素质,难怪中国本土谈到了这里的巴士载重承接一切的词典,有超过供给市场. 精明的球员将努力抓住质量和开发或者直接向他们或他们的市场中Japanes公司. 当地语言发言的国家中,生活在这些将用独特的优势正处于这样做. 如果他们不这样做,那么不仅是人才的浪费天然的,但自己的领域将减至新奇物品.

8th August 2006, 04:47 PM
Yes, nowadays i do not even bother to bid in sn, many names i see newbies bidding for, particularly the .nets, are not even worth reg fee in my opinion, let alone $60, and the few names that are worth bidding often go up to $xxx or even $xxxx.

I hope the people that are bidding are not paying on credit - with no peer pressure whatsoever, it's easy to "get addicted" and balloon the debt - 100 mediocre names at $60 is $6000.

Rubber Duck
8th August 2006, 05:02 PM
It is rare to see bargains go at Snapnames or Pool these days. Mostly people grossly overpay. I guess they have a captive audience and the competitive auctions convince people that they are getting value. Generally, speaking you can pick up names of simliar quality for half the price at Sedo or Afternic and a quarter the price in the forums. IDN are no exception. It is just one of life's mysteries. As for worry about what suckers waste their money on, well life is just too short.

8th August 2006, 05:08 PM
Yes, nowadays i do not even bother to bid in sn, many names i see newbies bidding for, particularly the .nets, are not even worth reg fee in my opinion, let alone $60, and the few names that are worth bidding often go up to $xxx or even $xxxx..

If you don't bid, how do you see the other auctions? Seems only the initial bidders get to participate in the auction and then watch results. Is this correct?

8th August 2006, 05:11 PM
Hard to say... If I could get my porno.tv onto snap it would go through the roof... Get it on a snap auction and your guaranteed to get stupid money for it yet there are quality names on this forum that the guys slaughtering each other for over at snap just ignore... Why? -- Who knows...

8th August 2006, 05:11 PM
It is rare to see bargains go at Snapnames or Pool these days. Mostly people grossly overpay. I guess they have a captive audience and the competitive auctions convince people that they are getting value. Generally, speaking you can pick up names of simliar quality for half the price at Sedo or Afternic and a quarter the price in the forums. IDN are no exception. It is just one of life's mysteries. As for worry about what suckers waste their money on, well life is just too short.

Well, there are bargains on SN too, but i'm not sure if it's worth spending $60 and time to try for bargains, especially when the names are mediocre. I rather mine elsewhere and spend only $7.

8th August 2006, 05:17 PM
We can't reduce what the forum is RD. The industry isn't fully developed yet. It might be a slum in investors currently but many benefitted from private sales on here. I don't know if those amounts of IDN sales actually go on, on DNF or NP.

In the last year we've made like 3000% progress in the market. It's like almost exactly 1 year ago you were alone in the info you had about IDNs. Think of your profits, that you've made in this one year, think of the quality of your portfolio now compared to the 1000 domains you had 1 year ago.

I'm not saying this to criticize you friend but this is just a slump.
Comparing to 1 year ago this is great but, thinking about how things will be 1 year later is more important.

1. Parking revenue (correctly)
2. IE7 & Vista in use
3. Domain selling services (local versions)
4. Natives making IDN websites
5. Natives start to use IDNs in ads.

I personally think Sedo will get the biggest IDN sales (& have said it before). They will have to get better for many to switch to their parking service but they have the clients & track records for high end domain sales.

I do know the domains I sell here are for resellers. I wouldn't sell to Japanese for the same prices.

8th August 2006, 05:19 PM
What we all allready know:

"The psychology of auctions and collectibles
In all your dealings as a seller at online auctions, remember that many bidders participate for the entertainment value, and that they my bid irrationally high because of the emotion and the competitive excitement. Do whatever you can to foster that state of mind -- in your descriptions and even in your follow up email. The person with the highest bid is a proud "winner," not just a consumer. They have won the right to buy this particular item, and they like to feel good about it. When you first write to the winner of one of your auctions, always say "congratulations."
There are some people who "shop" at auctions, wanting to get a good price for a quality item, but just wanting to get in and out with a minimum of hassle. Those aren't the folks you want to cater to. You want to appeal to the folks who enjoy the auction experience.

And if you sell collectibles, you also want to tap into nostalgia. Many of today's online auction buyers are looking for items that they once possessed as children. In our society, many families move frequently, and parents typically throw out many items that they believe are of no value or that they believe their children have grown out of. Years later, when those kids hit middle age, they have an urge to get back in touch with their past, and will go to great lengths to obtain long lost items they associate with their childhood.

Experimenting at Ebay, I've discovered an interesting law of economics. (Perhaps this is well-known, but I had never heard of it before). The less the intrinsic value of a mass-produced object, the more likely it will become valuable over time as a collectible. (Their lack of intrinsic value means that few people will save these objects, which means that they will become rare. And the fact that they were mass-produced will mean that they are imprinted on the consciousness of many, and thus subject to nostalgia by association, and hence will be in demand.)

As a result, I can get more money selling a fair-condition bottle cap than selling a 100-year-old book that's in fine condition.

This changes the economics of collectibles. There used to be a large gap between the prices a dealer could get selling to collectors and the prices an ordinary collector could get selling to a dealer. Now anyone who knows how to play the online auction game can sell at dealer prices. In fact, anyone with a little knowledge and ambition and online savvy can become a dealer -- buying and selling in the same online marketplace and serving the irrational but very real needs of those who want to buy a piece of their childhood past."


8th August 2006, 05:25 PM
But this doesn't explain why some names like Russian can fetch higher price on SN than on an open forum.

What we all allready know:

"The psychology of auctions and collectibles
In all your dealings as a seller at online auctions, remember that many bidders participate for the entertainment value, and that they my bid irrationally high because of the emotion and the competitive excitement. Do whatever you can to foster that state of mind -- in your descriptions and even in your follow up email. The person with the highest bid is a proud "winner," not just a consumer. They have won the right to buy this particular item, and they like to feel good about it. When you first write to the winner of one of your auctions, always say "congratulations."
There are some people who "shop" at auctions, wanting to get a good price for a quality item, but just wanting to get in and out with a minimum of hassle. Those aren't the folks you want to cater to. You want to appeal to the folks who enjoy the auction experience.

And if you sell collectibles, you also want to tap into nostalgia. Many of today's online auction buyers are looking for items that they once possessed as children. In our society, many families move frequently, and parents typically throw out many items that they believe are of no value or that they believe their children have grown out of. Years later, when those kids hit middle age, they have an urge to get back in touch with their past, and will go to great lengths to obtain long lost items they associate with their childhood.

Experimenting at Ebay, I've discovered an interesting law of economics. (Perhaps this is well-known, but I had never heard of it before). The less the intrinsic value of a mass-produced object, the more likely it will become valuable over time as a collectible. (Their lack of intrinsic value means that few people will save these objects, which means that they will become rare. And the fact that they were mass-produced will mean that they are imprinted on the consciousness of many, and thus subject to nostalgia by association, and hence will be in demand.)

As a result, I can get more money selling a fair-condition bottle cap than selling a 100-year-old book that's in fine condition.

This changes the economics of collectibles. There used to be a large gap between the prices a dealer could get selling to collectors and the prices an ordinary collector could get selling to a dealer. Now anyone who knows how to play the online auction game can sell at dealer prices. In fact, anyone with a little knowledge and ambition and online savvy can become a dealer -- buying and selling in the same online marketplace and serving the irrational but very real needs of those who want to buy a piece of their childhood past."


8th August 2006, 05:32 PM
1. SN has wider audience
2. SN is KNOWN for bs names (ascii and idn apparently) that go for ridiculous amounts.
3. IMO at this stage idnforums grew alot in last few months but not enough to have a real market place atmosphere and most sales are behind closed doors or a "wholesale exchange" kind of sales
4. some what conflicting to some of the above arguments but idn's as idn's aren't yet "excepted" by most domainers and we don't know who is going crazy on sn at this point

8th August 2006, 05:34 PM
Add the most important factor...IDN is not born yet...try to explain to the average joe what's an idn...u will regret the moment u started to try

8th August 2006, 05:40 PM
Where are you guys seeing the list of Snapname auction results?

Rubber Duck
8th August 2006, 05:41 PM
some what conflicting to some of the above arguments but idn's as idn's aren't yet "excepted" by most domainers and we don't know who is going crazy on sn at this point

Well a lot of the culprits are from here. Those that are trying to talk the market down may well be amongst the worst offenders. The BS factor is growing daily.

We can't reduce what the forum is RD. The industry isn't fully developed yet. It might be a slum in investors currently but many benefitted from private sales on here. I don't know if those amounts of IDN sales actually go on, on DNF or NP.

In the last year we've made like 3000% progress in the market. It's like almost exactly 1 year ago you were alone in the info you had about IDNs. Think of your profits, that you've made in this one year, think of the quality of your portfolio now compared to the 1000 domains you had 1 year ago.

I'm not saying this to criticize you friend but this is just a slump.
Comparing to 1 year ago this is great but, thinking about how things will be 1 year later is more important.

1. Parking revenue (correctly)
2. IE7 & Vista in use
3. Domain selling services (local versions)
4. Natives making IDN websites
5. Natives start to use IDNs in ads.

I personally think Sedo will get the biggest IDN sales (& have said it before). They will have to get better for many to switch to their parking service but they have the clients & track records for high end domain sales.

I do know the domains I sell here are for resellers. I wouldn't sell to Japanese for the same prices.

Agree with most of that. I wasn't trying to knock the forum or even particularly get at any particular group. I was just trying to explain that the dynamics of the market at the moment are all screwed as the people who should be buying to selll elsewhere are coming here to try to sell to others whose primary interest at this moment in time is selling. I have no doubt that in a month or so both lots will be starting to buy.

8th August 2006, 06:53 PM
Frankly, if I thought it was such a great domain, I would have bid $20. It also means "reception" like the reception desk in your office. I don't feel this sale was a travesty. I've gotten much better domains off of RD at not much cheaper.

I think you guys are ignoring that nude.com sold for $3000 (and almost $4500) the other day. There is some money on this forum guys, it just isn't dumb money. There are also plenty of bargains here to be found - quality names at affordable prices. As Mr. T would say, "I pity the fool that wastes his money at Snapnames"....

8th August 2006, 06:55 PM
Well a lot of the culprits are from here. Those that are trying to talk the market down may well be amongst the worst offenders. The BS factor is growing daily.

Agree with most of that. I wasn't trying to knock the forum or even particularly get at any particular group. I was just trying to explain that the dynamics of the market at the moment are all screwed as the people who should be buying to selll elsewhere are coming here to try to sell to others whose primary interest at this moment in time is selling. I have no doubt that in a month or so both lots will be starting to buy.

Let me throw in some comments.

I used to be an active buyer on idnf, and now i actively but on SN.

I'm not in it for the rush, i know when to say no. I have no pride hurt by "losing" an auction.

I go for the quality, sometimes I may get it wrong,

Why not buy from here?

Because first we had a rush on everyone selling everything at 10k. That pissed me off.

Then I just got pissed off with the scammers and the complete load of crap that was turning up daily from the flippers.
I can't be arsed to rummage through the pile of coal anymore, to find the odd sensibly priced gem that someone may be off loading.

I find it easier to download the SN list, push it through a bulk converter and bulk overture - and pick.

and it has to be said, everynow and then, something really big does drop. These big drops happen routinely, and were constantly being mopped up by the big gun catchers out there.

All SN have done is level the playing field.

8th August 2006, 06:57 PM
I think you guys are ignoring that nude.com sold for $3000 (and almost $4500) the other day. There is some money on this forum guys, it just isn't dumb money.

I personally feel you got Robbed JMO !

8th August 2006, 06:58 PM
I think you guys are ignoring that nude.com sold for $3000 (and almost $4500) the other day. There is some money on this forum guys, it just isn't dumb money.

To be honest with you rhys, $3000 won't buy too many nude all-nighter deals in Tokyo. That's chump change in that business.

So, the fact that nude.com in Japanese went for $3000 is the exact same reflection of the market as that of other names going for $50 or less.

Frankly, the fact that nude.com sold for $3000 shows a real lack of understanding of this domain on the part of the bidders involved.

8th August 2006, 07:02 PM
Sure there are nice auctions here but you get more for your $ on snapnames ;-)

Nude.com was an exception :P
I had to grasp it. Look how much American porno sites make a month

certainly a few K even for nude-models-ny-usa.com etc (example not a real site)

so how much would a top level adult keyword make a month? :P

you do the math hehe

8th August 2006, 07:02 PM
The market "in-here" to RD's point is not going to reflect the market "out-there" because the market "out-there" does not exist yet. When it does, then we won't have so much time to be bitching about "reception desk.com" selling for $10.

Nude.com sale is well in line with the current market reality. Is it a HUGE long-term bargain? You bet your ass it is. But is $3000 the market today? It sure is.

8th August 2006, 07:03 PM
I used to be an active buyer on idnf, and now i actively but on SN.

You can buy wherever you want. It just goes to show that despite being a moderator, you don't really support this forum if you put your hard earned cash into Snapnames corporate pockets instead of those of the people on this forum who helped you out with IDNs in the first place. Out of principle too as you put it. Right? LOL

8th August 2006, 07:07 PM
Nude.com sale is well in line with the current market reality. Is it a HUGE long-term bargain? You bet your ass it is. But is $3000 the market today? It sure is.

I dont know when you comapare to older sales , and even some recent sale even though they may have not been over 3k when you do a comparison i think it was highway robbery again JMO

I can forsee this domain going for 6 or 7 figs in the near future, kinda hurts when you dont just have 3,001 extra bucks to snap it up


8th August 2006, 07:09 PM
You can buy wherever you want. It just goes to show that despite being a moderator, you don't really support this forum if you put your hard earned cash into Snapnames corporate pockets instead of those of the people on this forum who helped you out with IDNs in the first place. Out of principle too as you put it. Right? LOL

Wrong. We are all here to make money. Period. Anyway possible. Whether that is buying idns off of fellow members or snapping expired idns from snap.

8th August 2006, 07:12 PM
Posted in wrong thread, Moved.

8th August 2006, 07:15 PM
The market "in-here" to RD's point is not going to reflect the market "out-there" because the market "out-there" does not exist yet. When it does, then we won't have so much time to be bitching about "reception desk.com" selling for $10.

Nude.com sale is well in line with the current market reality. Is it a HUGE long-term bargain? You bet your ass it is. But is $3000 the market today? It sure is.

I hope the market "out-there" really materializes, we all invested quite a lot of time if not money, still waiting....

I'll come back to this post a year from now and see where we stand, bookmarking. :O

8th August 2006, 07:16 PM
Wrong. We are all here to make money. Period. Anyway possible. Whether that is buying idns off of fellow members or snapping expired idns from snap.

People sometimes make choices that are not rational economic choices but emotional ones. Like Alpha's decision not to buy on this forum.

8th August 2006, 07:17 PM
You can buy wherever you want. It just goes to show that despite being a moderator, you don't really support this forum if you put your hard earned cash into Snapnames corporate pockets instead of those of the people on this forum who helped you out with IDNs in the first place. Out of principle too as you put it. Right? LOL

Are you being serious.

So I should only spend my cash here because I volunteer what little time I have to mod here?

get real

8th August 2006, 07:19 PM
Are you being serious.

You better believe it.

8th August 2006, 07:20 PM
People sometimes make choices that are not rational economic choices but emotional ones. Like Alpha's decision not to buy on this forum.

Alpha has more than done his part on this forum and the IDN market than the average forumer. OTOH, you got people that only take money from the community, and not return, or return very little. He alone cannot support the market - others must do more other than pitch.

8th August 2006, 07:25 PM
Heres an example of an auction I won 3 minutes ago.

Lang: Japanese
Genre: Adult
US ovt: 525
JP ovt: 380,000

I paid $531. I was up against 4 others.

Did I get value for money?

I don't know, thats not the point. The point is that this name or anything like it not for sale on this forum today.

If it was for sale on this forum, I would have bid.

Like I said earlier - this is not about emotion - it's just business.

and Blast... water of a ducks back mate... say what you like, think what you like, I am not here to impress you. It's just business.

8th August 2006, 07:28 PM
People sometimes make choices that are not rational economic choices but emotional ones. Like Alpha's decision not to buy on this forum.

That's really bizarre criticising somone for "not buying on this forum". It's Alpha's money, you aren't his mum, let him spend it where he wants to.

8th August 2006, 07:29 PM
the jp idn was sold just now at $10.

English: acceptance.com

84,600,000 yahoo.co.jp with ""
jp ovt 3741 受付
and 25 japanese bids (27 bids now,and the top bids is ¥204,¥203,¥202,¥202,¥202,¥201) ."


PM sent with payment request email. Thanks.

Rubber Duck
8th August 2006, 08:11 PM
It is acceptable to discuss why certain type of domainers behave in certain ways. It is not acceptable to discuss why individuals trade in a particular manner. If Alpha wants to spend his money at SN, that is his decision. It may or may not be rational, but it is not a proper subject for debate.

8th August 2006, 08:17 PM
I hope the market "out-there" really materializes, we all invested quite a lot of time if not money, still waiting....

I'll come back to this post a year from now and see where we stand, bookmarking. :O

I don't have a doubt it will. Remember, if anyone wants to cash out their portfolio now, I'll give them 30% on top of your costs - just let me cherry pick the good ones. What's the stock market done for you this year?

In Japanese IDNs I view this as very much a 2-3 year game.

Rubber Duck
8th August 2006, 08:39 PM
I don't have a doubt it will. Remember, if anyone wants to cash out their portfolio now, I'll give them 30% on top of your costs - just let me cherry pick the good ones. What's the stock market done for you this year?

In Japanese IDNs I view this as very much a 2-3 year game.

It all depends whether you ride all the way to the terminus or not.

I have made 140,000% profit for certain IDNs in about 6 months. To most investors that would be considered job done. Obviously, I would have made more if I had stuck, but it is possible that I stand to make more where the money has been reinvested. Most people will by necessity have a mixed strategy that develops with the scenarios.

What I do know is long before 2 years IDN will be fetching a lot more than they are now, but of course in 5 years time they will be worth more still. It is all down to cashflow how many you hold and how many you fold.

The only ones that are going to miss out big time is those that have not obtained at least a handful of high quality domains. I guess that represents much more than half the forum at this time. Whether they are sitting on their hards or just scratching their arses, only time will tell.

8th August 2006, 08:46 PM
Very interesting thread. 40 responses since noon.
I am humbled since I thought I was the only one to notice the dismal environment for selling in this forum. Nude.com and Tokyo.net (the latter off-site I believe) seem to have been extreme anomolies, based in large part on "provenance" of the names. The last word I remember is that management was satisfied to have this a discussion forum rather than a market. If so, it is working out that way. It is a pity, though, because it might be both with the right outlook.


8th August 2006, 08:54 PM
I don't have a doubt it will. Remember, if anyone wants to cash out their portfolio now, I'll give them 30% on top of your costs - just let me cherry pick the good ones. What's the stock market done for you this year?

In Japanese IDNs I view this as very much a 2-3 year game.

Depending on how the financial markets move, it might not be possible to cherry pick names at just 30% above costs. There are 2 opposite forces at work - the general sentiment of the stock market, ascii market and IE7.

Feds have stopped raising Interest Rates - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060808/ap_on_bi_go_ec_fi/fed_interest_rates

Take a look at this chart - http://news.yahoo.com/photo/060808/480/8f159076cea846e780367015fdddbd73&g=events/bs/013006bernanke

Notice how interest rates peaked in 2000.

8th August 2006, 08:56 PM
Very interesting thread. 40 responses since noon.
I am humbled since I thought I was the only one to notice the dismal environment for selling in this forum. Nude.com and Tokyo.net (the latter off-site I believe) seem to have been extreme anomolies, based in large part on "provenance" of the names. The last word I remember is that management was satisfied to have this a discussion forum rather than a market. If so, it is working out that way. It is a pity, though, because it might be both with the right outlook.


If you think this is a "dismal" selling environment, then "try somewhere else". And I mean that quite literally. My guess is there isn't anywhere better than here. The number of IDN buyers is still extremely small, there are essentially zero end-user buyers.

So the only buyers are "us". And most of "us", have lots of ways to spend cash. Whether it be on new regges, or behinds the scenes deals with forum members, or other IDN owners, or perish the thought, SnapNames auctions, ASCII domains, or alchohol.

8th August 2006, 09:09 PM
So the only buyers are "us". And most of "us", have lots of ways to spend cash. Whether it be on new regges, or behinds the scenes deals with forum members, or other IDN owners, or perish the thought, SnapNames auctions, ASCII domains, or alchohol.

In your case, I'm thinking, mainly "alchohol" (sp).

Nice diversion from the subject.


8th August 2006, 09:11 PM
In your case, I'm thinking, mainly "alchohol" (sp).

Nice diversion from the subject.


Let's put it this way. I could drink all night and still not "fancy" most of the names that come up for sale :p

8th August 2006, 09:21 PM
Let's put it this way. I could drink all night and still not "fancy" most of the names that come up for sale
And there's the root of the problem. And I don't mean the drinking. :)

8th August 2006, 09:43 PM
And there's the root of the problem. And I don't mean the drinking. :)

The root of the problem is that for every buyer, there are 10 sellers. It ain't rocket science. And when I see yet another auction of "great names" that were regged yesterday, excuse me for not buying.

I'm quite happy buying IDNs. I have been one of the more active buyers of IDNs in the last few months. But I don't appreciate people moaning all the time that nobody is buying. If they are so sure of the immense value of IDNs, they would get their own wallets out a bit more often.

8th August 2006, 10:14 PM
Me being the owner of the forum I personally don't think anything of Mods buying or selling off board. Each of us are our own business. Hell if I could give you guys better places to sell I would. & if I get more investment money this year I'll develop it.

I think many people will fall into regging way too much. This is a personal opinion & I'm not saying anyone in particular falls into this.

Think about your business strategy well. I tried to. I keep reminding myself of my personal forecast of the market. I keep thinking that IDNs will be mainstream about a year after IE7 is in use. Until then the market isn't open & we are doing presales. Out of 600 regs I only plan to sell less than 10 (of ones I consider premium) a year anyway. The longer you can handle your portfolio the more valuable it becomes.

We can keep regging looking for those to just sell soon but some of those regs might clutter your overall portfolio. We're almost a year old. My suggestion is build a portfolio you can easily handly for at least 2 years. Don't reg those you'd consider dropping.

8th August 2006, 10:15 PM
off-topic :

Snapnames opens the door for investors to bid anonymously ánd with a fair amount of discretion. Good for the investors, not so good for the market if the sales are unknown but that will change with idn becoming more high-profile for investors so I don't see any harm in this.

As to the ts; idn's are flipped here as if there were no tomorrow, I am not suprised whatsoever that people got confused with all the crap that is floating around.

8th August 2006, 10:34 PM
As Mr. T would say, "I pity the fool that wastes his money at Snapnames"....

But there are also some people grabbing some fantastic deals at Snapnames.
Their just not bragging about them...

8th August 2006, 10:59 PM
But there are also some people grabbing some fantastic deals at Snapnames.
Their just not bragging about them...

I got some very good names at Snapnames, I have been their loyal customer since day 1. I highly recommend investors to spend some time there and here, a good name is worth buying regardless where they are listed for sale or who sells it.

The person that I dislike most is the one that constantly complains people paying too much bidding against him or adviced Drewbert not to spend his time foolishly catching drops. People that beat you at the auction have money to invest, they are not fools. People that picked up all the good drops and left nothing for you because they are experts.

8th August 2006, 11:53 PM
The junk to decent name ratio has skyrocketed in the sales forums here recently. That's normal, since the closer we get to the end-game (IE7, people in the wider world start to recognize and accept IDNs etc.) the more we can see a timeframe in which the decent names will have significant value.

At the same time, there are tons of newbies pouring into these forums, many (but not all) of whom seem bent on the "registered at lunchtime, sold by teatime" domain flipping mentality.

Bottom line is that unless it's an amazing domain clearly displayed in the subject line of a sales post and offered by somebody "known" to the community, I doubt it will raise much interest in here - or "out there" either since, for any perceived faults, this forum still represents for the time being the largest critical mass of IDN domainers.

Also, remember that it's still possible TODAY to spend a few minutes "mining" the unregistered names and come up with better stuff than a lot of the $10-50 range names being sold here. Just because it's "in the dictionary" doesn't make it valuable!

9th August 2006, 01:00 AM
Also, remember that it's still possible TODAY to spend a few minutes "mining" the unregistered names and come up with better stuff than a lot of the $10-50 range names being sold here. Just because it's "in the dictionary" doesn't make it valuable!

Thanks for reemphasizing this point Edwin.
A small investiment in dictionaries in excel formats, combined with the online resources available at idntools.net can bring excellent results. My other advice, partner up with native speakers who can help search for niches that may not have been taken and insure you have the best translations for each term.

9th August 2006, 09:14 AM
Thanks for reemphasizing this point Edwin.
A small investiment in dictionaries in excel formats, combined with the online resources available at idntools.net can bring excellent results. My other advice, partner up with native speakers who can help search for niches that may not have been taken and insure you have the best translations for each term.

Any natives who choose not to register names themselves but to enter in such a partnership are fools.

Depending on how the financial markets move, it might not be possible to cherry pick names at just 30% above costs.

I wonder why you like to mix up the stock market into this. I doubt a move in the financial market will have any impact on the IDN market, simply because the volume of total investment in the later is so small. For $500 000 you are likely to be able to buy any IDN out there today, even from the greediest of early investors, most are willing to go out for $50K even for the best names.

Rubber Duck
9th August 2006, 09:45 AM
Any natives who choose not to register names themselves but to enter in such a partnership are fools.

I wonder why you like to mix up the stock market into this. I doubt a move in the financial market will have any impact on the IDN market, simply because the volume of total investment in the later is so small. For $500 000 you are likely to be able to buy any IDN out there today, even from the greediest of early investors, most are willing to go out for $50K even for the best names.

Or just no domainsers!

My sentiments, but I refrained from commenting first off for a change.

9th August 2006, 09:47 AM
Any natives who choose not to register names themselves but to enter in such a partnership are fools.

I wonder why you like to mix up the stock market into this. I doubt a move in the financial market will have any impact on the IDN market, simply because the volume of total investment in the later is so small. For $500 000 you are likely to be able to buy any IDN out there today, even from the greediest of early investors, most are willing to go out for $50K even for the best names.

Well, these are my opinions, it's up to you how to interpret it. There are a myraid of factors influencing market sentiments - and there are also positive factors like IE7, among others. :)

Everyone has his opinion, and i think it's ok for profiteers to profit - notice i never made any adverse comment on any particular domain sale or auction either on the thread or in another thread - but at the same time, I think i have the right to voice my own opinion. What i dislike on this forum is presence of 汉奸 (not referring to you).

In the meantime, let's come back to this thread in a year's time to see where we stand a year from now. :)

9th August 2006, 09:54 AM
Any natives who choose not to register names themselves but to enter in such a partnership are fools.

That a rather opinionated comment.

I have enjoyed a relationship with a native or two.

Their contribution was language skills.
My contribution was financial.

Neither one of us could benefit without the other. what's so foolish about this?
- I have no doubt that with their financial gain they registered names for themselves.

9th August 2006, 10:01 AM
Well, these are my opinions, it's up to you how to interpret it. There are a myraid of factors influencing market sentiments - and there are also positive factors like IE7, among others. :)

Everyone has his opinion, and i think it's ok for profiteers to profit, though i think i have the right to voice my balanced picture opinion. What i dislike on this forum is presence of 汉奸 (not referring to you).
Being a 奸 is all relative, if your country is run by an 'oppresive' 'dictatorship/regime' and you suddenly find a relatively anonymous outlet for your pent up frustrations and anger then it is only natural to vent...
It really only goes to show how people really feel about their country and goes to prove the picture painted by said 'regime/dictatorship' is not as rosy as made out to be...

(Applicable to any country)

9th August 2006, 10:10 AM
Being a 奸 is all relative, if your country is run by an 'oppresive' 'dictatorship/regime' and you suddenly find a relatively anonymous outlet for your pent up frustrations and anger then it is only natural to vent...
It really only goes to show how people really feel about their country and goes to prove the picture painted by said 'regime/dictatorship' is not as rosy as made out to be...

(Applicable to any country)

This has nothing to do with 奸, but this aside, i think ultimately money talks and morals or ideology are really just propaganda, and means rather than the ends.

About 汉奸, i often read about them in Chinese history, especially so during the Japanese WWII days, in China and in South East Asia, didn't understand why they existed then, but now i know - it's all about money. And for the sake of money, people sell their souls and betray their own people.

9th August 2006, 10:26 AM
I should have put 汉奸 rather than 奸 as I dont know the term for 汉奸 with regards to other countries..

It may be about money to some extent but I have a feeling its not all there is to it... People dislike their countries for many reasons -- oppression - past wrongs commited against family/friends - wrongful incarceration - restricted freedom - censorship etc etc..
And while it is something you dont do in 'public' as there may be harsh penalties those feelings will come out somewhere..

9th August 2006, 10:54 AM
What i dislike on this forum is presence of 汉奸 (not referring to you).

Those kids from Russia who show up here to sell geodomains are of the same character.

9th August 2006, 11:28 AM
Any natives who choose not to register names themselves but to enter in such a partnership are fools.

They are not working for free. The money they make doing the research allows them to register names they might not otherwise afford and build their own portfolio. I would rather support forum members than a professional translating company.

9th August 2006, 12:43 PM
They are not working for free. The money they make doing the research allows them to register names they might not otherwise afford and build their own portfolio. I would rather support forum members than a professional translating company.

You can hire freelance translators for cheap, i did that with Arabic back then in December, hired an Egyptian guy to give me 100 "keywords" with ovt > 2000. I've been always amazed how RD managed to generate so much Arabic keywords, but i guess i used the shortcut method. :)

11th August 2006, 09:40 AM
i got the msg from the new owner that 受付.com get the 200 dollar offer .
oh my god,so pity to me.
and congratulation to him.

11th August 2006, 09:42 AM
i got the msg from the new owner that 受付.com get the 200 dollar offer .
oh my god,so pity to me.
and congratulation to him.

lol. Thanks again it168. Just let me know if you want to counter that!


11th August 2006, 04:28 PM
Are you sticking it to him?

11th August 2006, 05:00 PM
Are you sticking it to him?

I received offers XXX the day after I bought this domain..lol.

So, no, I'm not.

11th August 2006, 05:11 PM
Well, it sounds like you are, to me.

11th August 2006, 05:19 PM
I received offers XXX the day after I bought this domain..lol.
So, no, I'm not.

Tell us more....from an IDNF forum member?
Did you list it elsewhere? Show and tell time.

11th August 2006, 05:19 PM
Well, it sounds like you are, to me.

So, no, I'm not.

Let's give it to him.

Ok, you're the smart guy. :p

11th August 2006, 05:28 PM
guys,no doubt, dnDummy is the lucky guy.
it is so pity to me,but all is past,
i just want to face the future.:p

and i think i will get the better selling in the future.

if you guys want idns,you can pm me, welcome!:)

11th August 2006, 05:33 PM
Tell us more....from an IDNF forum member?
Did you list it elsewhere? Show and tell time.

Hello Gentleman. I can understand your curiosity. No, its not from a member of IDNF or DNF. Its a private client. I knew of the offer at the time of sale.


11th August 2006, 05:34 PM
I received offers XXX the day after I bought this domain..lol.

So, no, I'm not.

Hello Gentleman. I can understand your curiosity. No, its not from a member of IDNF or DNF. Its a private client. I knew of the offer at the time of sale.


Man oh Man !

11th August 2006, 05:36 PM
Hello Gentleman. I can understand your curiosity. No, its not from a member of IDNF or DNF. Its a private client. I knew of the offer at the time of sale.


I am confused. Was it offer or offers?

11th August 2006, 05:36 PM
guys,no doubt, dnDummy is the lucky guy.

Please, please....tell us why this idn was so special.

I had a Japanese speaker appraise it and his advice was "pass".

No offense to buyer dnDummy...you did OK picking it up at $10.
But if you know something about this domain, its potential use or value,
please share info with all. I am just curious.

11th August 2006, 05:36 PM
I am confused. Was it offer or offers?

Not counting the offer by the seller..it is one offer.

11th August 2006, 05:38 PM
I received offers XXX the day after I bought this domain..lol.

So, no, I'm not.

Hello Gentleman. I can understand your curiosity. No, its not from a member of IDNF or DNF. Its a private client. I knew of the offer at the time of sale.


Man oh Man !

11th August 2006, 05:40 PM
Man oh Man !

I am still confused. We are talking 3 offers now? :-)

11th August 2006, 05:42 PM
Please, please....tell us why this idn was so special.

I had a Japanese speaker appraise it and his advice was "pass".

No offense to buyer dnDummy...you did OK picking it up at $10.
But if you know something about this domain, its potential use or value,
please share info with all. I am just curious.

Nothing special that I know of except for the fact that a guy I know wanted it.

11th August 2006, 05:45 PM
Maybe this will help?

הצעה = Offer
הצעות= Offers

fa·ta mor·ga·na

11th August 2006, 05:45 PM
Nothing special that I know of except for the fact that a guy I know wanted it.

Out of all the domains in the world...why would he want this one?

Now you REALLY got our curiosity up.

11th August 2006, 05:46 PM
I am still confused. We are talking 3 offers now? :-)

Well if we were in a court of Law , the prosecution would be resting their case , He first stated he a recieved $$$ offer the Day after , and then he went on to say he knew about the Offer at the point of the Sale , Something just doenst add up

Exhibit A :

I received offers XXX the day after I bought this domain..lol.

So, no, I'm not.

Exhibit B :

Hello Gentleman. I can understand your curiosity. No, its not from a member of IDNF or DNF. Its a private client. I knew of the offer at the time of sale.


11th August 2006, 05:48 PM
Well if we where in a court of Law , the prosecution would be resting there case , He first stated he a recieved $$$ offer the Day after , and then he went on to say he knew about the Offer at the point of the Sale , Something just doenst add up

lol. WOW! Does it really matter? I intially knew of the offer the day I bought it, though I didnt have confirmation of the intent to pay and that he was serious about his interest. I then purchased the IDN for $10 AND THEN, then following day I was contacted via email from the same guy saying that he was, indeed, interested in the IDN.

Hope this helps...now you all will be able to sleep tonight.

11th August 2006, 05:48 PM
Something just doenst add up

No kidding.

11th August 2006, 05:48 PM
Don't bother attempting to probe dnDummy and his "clients". The more you probe, the less clear anything is.

11th August 2006, 05:49 PM
Don't bother attempting to probe dnDummy and his "clients". The more you probe, the less clear anything is.


11th August 2006, 05:52 PM
Dear Mr. DnDummy,(previously known as DnGenius, AKA i dont remember what else was there before).
once you realize this forum consists of good people that are here to help eachother learn and succedd your life will be much easier.

This said on a friendly basis, again...understand this forum is accurate,percise and is existing and welcoming all who want to contribute to it, learn from it and waste minimal time of it.

What does GFY mean Dear Mr. DnDummy? ;)

11th August 2006, 05:54 PM

Ah, the mask has slipped :)

11th August 2006, 05:59 PM
Ah, the mask has slipped :)

Shake a dog's cage enough, you're gonna get bit.

Besides, it means Government Fiscal Year.

Dear Mr. DnDummy,(previously known as DnGenius, AKA i dont remember what else was there before).
once you realize this forum consists of good people that are here to help eachother learn and succedd your life will be much easier.

This said on a friendly basis, again...understand this forum is accurate,percise and is existing and welcoming all who want to contribute to it, learn from it and waste minimal time of it.

What does GFY mean Dear Mr. DnDummy? ;)

Also, nothing said here is ever on a friendly basis.

11th August 2006, 06:13 PM
oh guys,
you are so funny,could you stop this talk?
just go to buy and sell.
so go to the thread auction(Do Not Miss bargain Again:p )......

11th August 2006, 06:13 PM
27 bids now,and the top bids is ¥204,¥203,¥202,¥202,¥202,¥201

Might have something to do with value.

oh guys,
you are so funny,could you stop this talk?
just go to buy and sell.
so go to the thread auction(Do Not Miss bargain Again:p )......

Best reply I've seen...since I've been on this forum.

11th August 2006, 06:20 PM
DnDummy:Why can't you use the Hong Kong and Taiwan overture tools?

Reminds me of this guy...we were in miami and he said: wow, miami is beautiful...how far is florida

Hong Kong / Taiwan...diffrent rice grains

11th August 2006, 06:24 PM
Reminds me of this guy...we were in miami and he said: wow, miami is beautiful...how far is florida

Hong Kong / Taiwan...diffrent rice grains

Wrong thread, but thanks.

11th August 2006, 06:26 PM
Yes it is, very wrong thread.

11th August 2006, 06:31 PM
This thread is going downhill