View Full Version : Olneys February IDN Sale

12th February 2006, 10:22 AM
Trimming the fat a little bit
I specifically want to concentrate on a certain are & getting rid of domains I don't really want anymore. I know you guys might be thinking I'm going insane but I'm not.

ゲーム趣味.com Game Hobby - $2,000
OVTjp 1,054,142

自動車趣味.com - Automobile Hobby - $2,500
OVTjp 2,774,267

Japanese Holidays Event - $1,000 set
ホワイトデー.com - White day
花見.com - HanaMi
ゴールデンウイーク.com - Golden week
子供の日.com - Children's Day
イースター.com - easter

Pet Related - $1,000 set
ペット服.jp - Pet Clothes
ペット服.com - Pet Clothes
ペット洋服.jp - Pet Clothes
ペット洋服.com - Pet Clothes
犬洋服.jp - Dog Clothes
犬洋服.com - Dog Clothes
犬服.jp - Dog Clothes

You can Post or PM me with offers

For the dot jps buyer must have their own dot jp account for me to push it too.
Also dot jps transfers may not be instant the rest are instant via domainsite.