View Full Version : Wanted:Single character Chinese IDNS

7th March 2007, 01:21 AM
I am a private collector currently interested in single character Chinese IDNs.
.com/.net/.cn only
Please PM or post if you have and would like to sell in the xx xxx or low xxxx range.


7th March 2007, 02:11 AM
If you're willing to pay $100/ea., you can probably buy at least 1,000 single character Chinese IDNs on this forum. I myself can supply you with 50 names.

Don't use ASCII domain standards to evaluate Chinese single character domains, any characters without obvious meaning in current usage are not worth the investment. Just my opinion.

7th March 2007, 02:17 AM
If you're willing to pay $100/ea., you can probably buy at least 1,000 single character Chinese IDNs on this forum. I myself can supply you with 50 names.

Don't use ASCII domain standards to evaluate Chinese single character domains, any characters without obvious meaning in current usage are not worth the investment. Just my opinion.

Giant is absolutely correct, however there are only about 3000 commonly used Chinese characters that can also be used as standalone words (verbs, nounds, adjectives) Alot of flippers will sell you abstract terms and grammar particles.

7th March 2007, 02:34 AM
If you're willing to pay $100/ea., you can probably buy at least 1,000 single character Chinese IDNs on this forum. I myself can supply you with 50 names.

Don't use ASCII domain standards to evaluate Chinese single character domains, any characters without obvious meaning in current usage are not worth the investment. Just my opinion.

Thanks for the advice guys. I always like help.

Giant, I would be interested to see the list of 50.

I have a list from 1-2000, in order of most frequently used characters.

7th March 2007, 04:14 AM
Thanks for the advice guys. I always like help.

Giant, I would be interested to see the list of 50.

I have a list from 1-2000, in order of most frequently used characters.

I don't have time to sort out a list for you yet, but here's a list of some of my names. Some can be sold at $100 apiece, but some have to be sold at more than $x,xxx.

Take a look at them and test yourself which one you think is valuable :-).

xn--jxt.com 庙.com Temple
xn--910a.com 肾.com Kidney
xn--8n5a.com 雀.com Birds
xn--sxr.com 唐.com Tang (last name or Tang dynasty)
xn--ssu.com 押.com Pawn
xn--yus.com 奶.com Milk
xn--btt.com 帅.com Commander in chief; handsome
xn--gsw.com 求.com beseech; request; look for
xn--gkz.com 禅.com Zen
xn--7hv.com 易.com Exchange; Yi-Ching; easy
xn--7dv.com 文.com Liturature
xn--54q.com 光.com Lights
xn--yf1a.com 艺.com arts
xn--ruq.com 保.com Insurrance; protection
xn--lk4a.com 酷.com Cool
xn--mpu.com 才.com Talents
xn--dz0a.com 聘.com Hire; Employ
xn--9d3a.com 译.com Translate
xn--3zv.com 梅.com Plum; prune
xn--85x.com 狮.com Lion
xn--lcy.com 玩.com Play
xn--pn1a.com 莉.com Jasmine
xn--6l1a.com 荔.com Lichee
xn--5u0a.com 翅.com Wings
xn--crx.com 烤.com to barbecue
xn--3g6a.com 骏.com A fine horse
xn--wqr.com 吟.com To chant; to recite
xn--fzy.com 盈.com To have a surplus of
xn--dgu.com 愉.com Pleased; happy; joyful; cheerful
xn--2tu.com 择.com To choose; to select
xn--d76a.com 鸦.com A crow
xn--ph1a.com 芷.com Angelica
xn--2xs.com 姣.com Pretty; handsome
xn--5wu.com 捕.com To catch
xn--205a.com 颁.com To grant; to distribute
xn--unw.com 殡.com Funeral
xn--1lt.com 崇.com Lofty; to worship
xn--qvv.com 柬.com A card; a letter
xn--pc4a.com 遣.com To dispatch; to send
xn--x75a.com 饱.com Satisfied
xn--usx.com 焙.com
xn--xpx.com 炳.com Bright; a common name
xn--yzs.com 娥.com A pretty young woman
xn--e3x.com 犊.com A calf
xn--d53a.com 辅.com To assist
xn--ypw.com 毫.com Long and fine animal hair
xn--v75a.com 饯.com A farewell dinner or luncheon
xn--x3y.com 睦.com Peaceful; harmonious
xn--kg6a.com 驼.com Camel
xn--x7x.com 猩.com Orangutan
xn--6g1a.com 芥.com Mustard
xn--xnx.com 灭.com To extinguish a fire
xn--2px.com 炸.com To fry
xn--mn0a.com 纽.com Button
xn--xt0a.com 羚.com Antelope
xn--rh1a.com 芹.com Celery
xn--hkr.com 匾.com A tablet
xn--h10a.com 肢.com Limbs
xn--5ys.com 娉.com Elegant; graceful
xn--666a.com 鸠.com Turtledove
xn--5e4a.com 邹.com (Last name)
xn--bn0a.com 纲.com An outline
xn--96z.com 粤.com Canton province
xn--wn3a.com 财.com Money; Wealth; Finance
xn--0y0a.com 职.com Jobs; position
xn--615a.com 風.com Wind
xn--fnu.com 戀.com Love; to be in love

7th March 2007, 08:52 AM
xn--gsw.com 求.com beseech; request; look for
xn--gkz.com 禅.com Zen
xn--7hv.com 易.com Exchange; Yi-Ching; easy
xn--7dv.com 文.com Liturature
xn--54q.com 光.com Lights
xn--yf1a.com 艺.com arts
xn--mpu.com 才.com Talents
xn--lcy.com 玩.com Play
xn--wn3a.com 财.com Money; Wealth; Finance
xn--0y0a.com 职.com Jobs; position

Giant... Truly the BMOC (Big Man on Campus)... 'nuff said.

7th March 2007, 10:05 AM