View Full Version : Things we should know as we develop Japanese IDN

12th March 2007, 09:15 PM
This is a very interesting article (http://japan.internet.com/wmnews/20060627/5.html)I noticed from last year. Here is my quick english summary but whole article in Japanese is below.

In a survey conducted 98.2% of Japanese use web search as their primary method of search.

Users reported that what convinces them to click or not click on a link that comes up in a search engine are in order of importance: 1. The link's explanatory text (57.2%) 2. Position on the search page (30.8%) 3. Familiar company or product/service name (11.4%)

Users pay attention to search engine information in order of importance 1. Title 2. Explanation 3. URL or in the case of deciding not to click a link 1. Explanation 2. Title 3. URL

Although users don't tend to place much importance on the URL in determining whether they click or not but this factor is conjectured to change in the future as Japanese Domains (i.e. IDNs guys) become more popular.


著者: japan.internet.com 編集部 プリンター用 記事を転送
▼2006年6月27日 13:40 付の記事

株式会社アイレップのサーチエンジンマーケティング総合研究所(SEM 総合研究所)と株式会社クロス・マーケティングは26日、インターネットユーザーの検索行動に関する調査結果を発表した。

もっとも利用者が多い検索方法は Web 検索(98.2%)だが、それ以外にもローカル検索が37.6%、ニュース検索が31.8%、イメージ検索が26.8%など、それぞれ3割前後のユーザーを獲得している。SEM 研究所によれば、Web 検索に加えて複数の検索方法を併用しているユーザーは全体の6割以上を占めており、この傾向は世代、性別、利用する検索エンジンに関係なく同様の傾向があるとのこと。

他の検索方法に比べて普及率は低い Blog 検索は、84%が「使わない」と回答した。週1回以上の頻度で利用するユーザーも1割程度にとどまる。




SEM 研究所は「インターネットユーザは検索結果ページに表示される『タイトル』からクリックするサイト、『説明文』でクリックしないサイトを判断する傾向がある」と分析する。その一方で、クリックする場合/しない場合の双方において重視されていない「URL」は、日本語ドメインの普及によって影響を受けることが推測されるという。


Rubber Duck
12th March 2007, 09:23 PM
I think that goes off the point a bit.

I would not suggest that a Japanese Character URL is going to be a major factor in triggering a click. Of course the Title and Text are more important.

The whnle point is without URL relevanbe and SERP support that an IDN gives, in future, they are not going to make Page 1, so nobody will ever see the Title or Text.

12th March 2007, 09:32 PM
1. The link's explanatory text (57.2%)

The problem with this one, is that webmasters rarely have control over what text the search engines will display.

I have some sites ( not IDN ) that have unique Meta Descriptions on each page, yet when the appear in Google listings, the chances of my description appearing are 50% - 50%. Sometimes Google prefers to show another couple of lines from my pages and these are which I have no control over - sometimes Google will repeat several words giving the impression of keyword spamming - links that show up in results on search pages rarely make me want to click them.


12th March 2007, 09:35 PM
Ah but RD, that is not what I take away from the article. What I take away from the article is that given the fact that my pages have good rank in Yahoo, I must really work hard on crafting my explanation and title to maximize clicks.

Although I also believe that URLs will become much more of a decision factor in the click decision as IDNs spread. Especially in determining between sites of approximately equal relevance. If you are looking for "peanut butter" and find 2 sites with equal appeal in title and description, but one has a url that is "peanutbutter.com" while the other "igmf.express.whodonut.pb.alkatrz.ws" you are going to go for the forumer every time.

12th March 2007, 09:53 PM

Sort of looks like those British university domains :-)